JordanSantiagoYT / FNF-PsychEngine-NoBotplayLag

Psych Engine but with no botplay lag and some NEW features!
Apache License 2.0
34 stars 20 forks source link

Confirm before closing popup if the chart/character/dialogue is unsaved #418

Open NAEL2XD opened 1 week ago

NAEL2XD commented 1 week ago

What feature do you want to get added on the base engine?


would REALLY be very useful if you clicked the x button on accident and then losing all of the unsaved progress, and that happend too many times and made me do ALL OF IT ALL OVER AGAIN if i didn't have a saved chart

To test your sight, and reliability, please select the option of what should NOT be requested.

Stage Editor and 6K+ support.

NAEL2XD commented 1 week ago


i know it's from codename engine but it's really HELPFUL if you almost lose all your progress

moxie-coder commented 1 week ago

this does seem like a good idea, I might have an way to implement it

Stefan2008Git commented 1 day ago

this does seem like a good idea, I might have an way to implement it

It's time to switch on HaxeUI tho