Open andriiaveiro opened 7 years ago
Hey I have the same problem. Are there any solutions?
me too
is there any example application for getting mffc features in android using Taros DSP?
I get the mfcc values by Tarosdsp lib are not same as the values by python librosa lib here is my code, android code
private void testMFCC() {
int sampleRate = 44100;
//set parameters, And these are same as the python librosa library
//window size
int bufferSize = 2048;
//the step of two frame
int bufferOverlap = bufferSize-512;
int fmin = 30;
int fmax = 3000;//(int) (sampleRate*0.5);
int n_cep_mel = 40;
int n_mels = 128;
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = getAssets().open("flute.novib.ff.A4.pcm");
AudioDispatcher dispatcher = new AudioDispatcher(
new UniversalAudioInputStream(
new TarsosDSPAudioFormat(
sampleRate, 16, 1, true, true)
final MFCC mfcc = new MFCC(bufferSize, sampleRate, n_cep_mel, n_mels, fmin,
dispatcher.addAudioProcessor(new AudioProcessor() {
public void processingFinished() {
Log.d("CXY", "finish");
public boolean process(AudioEvent audioEvent) {
//fetchng MFCC array and removing the 0th index because its energy coefficient and florian asked to discard
float[] mfccOutput = mfcc.getMFCC();
mfccOutput = Arrays.copyOfRange(mfccOutput, 0,
//Storing in global arraylist so that i can easily transform it into csv
Log.i("CXY", String.valueOf(Arrays.toString(mfccOutput)));
// Log.d("cxy", "mfccs len="+mfccs.length);
return true;
new Thread(dispatcher, "mfcc-dispatcher").start();
} catch (IOException e) {
python code
def testMFCC3():
# file = '../shinian/shinian_qingchang.wav'
file = 'flute.novib.ff.A4.wav'
y, sr = librosa.load(file, sr=None)
print("y_lenth=", len(y), " sampleRate=", sr)
# extract mfcc
mfccs = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y,
# norm=None
print(mfccs[:, 0])
print(mfccs[:, -1])
the mfcc parameter are same but in android the mfcc values are
[-149.56438, -35.85402, -41.923664, -22.674006, -2.042098, -25.56679, 6.3226676, 4.8530135, 45.501385, 23.00089, -12.665383, -50.659378, -18.775757, 47.545193, -3.471268, -13.6165495, 32.04868, 16.516235, -31.286652, -5.070638, -27.113258, 17.594528, 37.89841, -10.320859, 0.921544, -9.809169, 18.431198, -29.35976, -6.7678466, 13.006239, 33.242813, -22.717735, 18.488544, -18.583925, 0.33961812, 10.058762, 1.9633503, -15.240587, 23.60292, -9.608361]
[-150.98102, -37.915485, -50.66328, -24.781683, 1.3317629, -26.495079, 9.527364, 2.0870152, 48.291397, 12.637501, -6.5011125, -53.482674, -21.084702, 45.460655, -6.1428323, -14.372066, 28.77685, 14.771567, -37.446434, -4.906693, -33.51369, 15.080782, 40.761192, -16.877008, 4.2132025, -12.34782, 15.462919, -28.442005, -6.7560997, 9.3322115, 31.36475, -21.490568, 13.731277, -18.151527, -3.3237329, 5.6522703, 0.5766791, -17.184029, 20.927132, -7.8601766]
[-149.98598, -28.697165, -36.478195, -13.117099, 3.7823079, -35.78266, -1.2555473, 0.88154703, 45.496964, 16.27332, -12.327629, -52.5228, -21.626474, 47.26068, -3.9854593, -17.237074, 34.41523, 12.851591, -34.756172, -4.7409325, -32.593098, 16.971743, 39.860386, -14.635867, 2.2286997, -12.534999, 15.114595, -30.587063, -5.3999805, 9.145244, 33.82593, -21.490015, 15.82396, -19.866163, -2.6191306, 7.699687, 3.2308872, -16.700987, 24.147278, -10.168923]
[-161.39189, -44.11063, -58.580605, -31.302572, -5.818132, -25.09144, 14.345338, -0.9662001, 41.255276, 23.569016, -12.303108, -50.020203, -18.208387, 49.14071, 0.87544966, -12.295719, 36.297127, 17.202654, -32.457478, -1.1665286, -28.237682, 21.16371, 39.04848, -8.577308, 3.7998104, -7.5350323, 19.713837, -30.038479, -2.483957, 10.610859, 31.036594, -19.965364, 17.221785, -15.596262, -1.5734043, 8.746574, 1.7624863, -14.77393, 24.147917, -10.111036]
[-162.89716, -36.87191, -57.368073, -32.390793, -2.3577838, -17.914364, 23.210873, -0.37889734, 48.096287, 25.43931, -4.555753, -49.216537, -11.788088, 47.430347, 4.5558267, -9.664559, 33.707397, 22.717014, -36.12172, -0.863914, -26.60997, 17.467697, 40.332497, -14.446778, 4.9023438, -9.105244, 17.285015, -32.74773, -6.138797, 11.614723, 27.31714, -22.627996, 17.424278, -16.844452, -2.7403166, 10.114424, -0.9374727, -13.568806, 25.236536, -10.849961]
in python, the mfcc data shap is (40, 5)
and the mfcc values are
root@d6544d5f00fa:/home/cxy/work/project/music-recognize/code# python3
y_lenth= 4491 sampleRate= 44100
[-279.21338 18.10227 -78.32788 -19.317728 -20.23542
-29.225216 -7.920616 -56.20508 -20.31695 48.62169
97.28233 11.99969 -56.3453 47.673824 -12.512078
-23.52428 12.715927 16.653606 -30.053783 15.577892
-44.088417 30.554619 -9.12875 1.024126 3.4306574
12.599848 3.194224 -1.3946589 9.500994 -5.031226
0.31443775 -2.6793687 0.9130297 -3.9500008 0.80598986
-12.3641815 -2.0231156 -5.3813486 3.7782857 5.5124817 ]
[-2.8046588e+02 1.1381366e+01 -7.3924751e+01 -1.8136002e+01
-1.5018967e+01 -2.9644073e+01 -1.7752523e+01 -5.4225811e+01
-1.9963863e+01 4.9801498e+01 1.0370607e+02 1.2392213e+01
-5.6271660e+01 4.6125435e+01 -1.1001463e+01 -1.9814741e+01
2.0823637e+01 1.6906593e+01 -2.9464365e+01 1.8187700e+01
-4.5187607e+01 2.9246365e+01 -4.7338562e+00 1.0907283e+00
-1.1592598e+00 1.3183573e+01 -9.5845109e-01 -2.0085907e-01
9.3784466e+00 -7.1362739e+00 1.1961896e+00 -7.8641915e-01
-2.9033558e+00 -6.7620349e-01 5.7919264e+00 -1.1360594e+01
-2.0949235e+00 -1.9059618e+00 4.7447605e+00 6.7331047e+00]
(40, 5)
any one can help ?
what is the correct way to feature extraction using MFCC on android?