JorgeDuranSolorzano / AA

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Mietshäuser Syndikat #3

Open JorgeDuranSolorzano opened 6 years ago

JorgeDuranSolorzano commented 6 years ago

As a matter of principle, the “Mietshäuser Syndikat” welcomes new, self-organized house projects as well as project initiatives like the above-mentioned twenty that are still looking to acquire “their house.” As a result, the network is cheerfully expanding.

the collective desire for a house in which it is possible to live a self-determined life, without the Damocles sword of eviction or the wrecker’s ball; with affordable living space that is not latently threatened by the sale of the house or the conversion of apartments into upscale condominiums, offices, etc. This desire constitutes the beginning of every project. As we all know, the normal real estate market does not offer apartment buildings in which the tenants are guaranteed long-term self-determination within their own four walls. Thus, at some point, the group in question boldly seizes the opportunity to establish a house association in order to simply buy the object of its desire.

the group’s adventure-based learning expeditions into the foreign world of sales negotiations, political assertion, the search for a legal form, soliciting loans, the dynamics of founding groups, and, last but not least, construction work.

However, this balancing act between autonomous house projects does not happen on its own, but needs to be organized: above all, a stable connection between the projects has to be established to ensure the transfer of resources as well as the required communication. The organization of such a solidarity context is the core idea of the “Mietshäuser Syndikat.” It was originally formulated in 1989 at Freiburg’s Grether Project. The Syndikat’s 1992 statutes state the goal “to support the genesis and achieve political acceptance of self-organized house projects—humane living space and a roof over the head, for everybody.”

Community Land Trusts and Cooperative Housing

In recent years, there have also been a number of new strategies for implementing community land trusts and cooperative housing. Since land values typically account for 25% to 75% of house prices, a community land trust (CLT) can serve to remove land from the market and thus drastically reduce housing prices and keep homes permanently affordable. (...) CLTs are attractive because they are flexible models for a wide variety of urban commons development – not just housing but workspace development, community-owned energy generation, and new forms of urban agriculture and community gardens.

(...) scheme developed by a housing co-op, Mietshäuser Syndikat, [5] in Germany, which assure residents the right of self-management of their building while making any sell-off of the building in the future difficult. How? The building is jointly owned by the not-for-profit residents’ association of 300 members and by a limited liability corporation, each of which has one vote. Any fundamental changes require a “yes” vote by both partners, essentially giving each veto power. The associated corporation can act as a check upon a potential stampede by co-op members to sell the building. l Syndikat apoya y asesora a los proyectos en materia de financiación y cuestiones jurídicas, pero el mismo no da ningún capital. El Syndikat se ve a sí mismo como una red de trabajo democrático de base con nodos en toda Alemania. Un instrumento importante es un "Fondo de Solidaridad"gestionado comunitariamente, que ascendió a 220.000 euros en 2015. Las casas en cuestión, a menudo proyectos de vivienda, no son propiedad del Syndikat, sino de su propia Sociedad (de responsabilidad) Limitada, en la que están representadas la asociación respectiva y el Syndikat. El título de propiedad del inmueble pertenece a la GmbH (S.L.). Los derechos de voto se estipulan en el contrato GmbH y no están vinculados al importe de las acciones como es habitual. Los usuarios gestionan su propiedad de forma independiente a través de la asociación. La asociación y el Syndikat tienen la misma cantidad de votos en la GmbH, de modo que las ventas o la conversión/privatización sólo son posibles de común acuerdo y por lo tanto, el Syndikat la puede evitar. Decisiones como la asignación de viviendas, el diseño, la financiación y el alquiler competen en el contexto de la eficiencia económica exclusivamente a la asociación de los usuarios, es decir, a las personas que viven en ella. El Syndikat GmbH es a su vez propiedad de todas las asociaciones locales. El órgano supremo es la Asamblea General, que se celebra cuatro veces al año.


Cooperative “real-estate” that aims to retire houses from the market. Why? The answer is affordable housing. Most of us know how expensive and how hard is to find a good place to live in Amsterdam. Part of the problem is the high demand and the limited number of houses (oh, yeah, also that more and more people are moving to the city... on behalf of other inmigrants, I offer Amterdamers my most sensere appology. To my defense, I belong to the lower rent sector, by no means I can pay a room of €500). But this article is about some initiatives that has been going in the city that plan to

Shared ownership between the Syndikat and the housing project. This gives the Syndikat a veto if the asociation wants to sell the house.

Other organizations doing similar things and organize things a little bit differently. However, the idea is the same: move from a capitalist economy to a Self-organization De-privatization Long-term housing