JorgeDuranSolorzano / AA

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Vrijcop #4

Open JorgeDuranSolorzano opened 6 years ago

JorgeDuranSolorzano commented 6 years ago

Description on their website

VrijCoop converts the model of the German active #3 Mietshäuser Syndikat into the Dutch situation. In several cities in Germany, nearly 2000 people live and work together in buildings that are collectively owned and in which individuals rent their rented and shared space.

Real estate is part of a solidary economy under the management of residents and users.

Tenants in the Netherlands are under pressure. In order to provide space for their own initiative, the new Housing Act (1 July 2015) stipulates that tenants can start a housing cooperative with which they can take over the rental housing of the landlord (often a housing corporation). We are not interested in owner-occupied housing, but in collective ownership and affordable renting.

Home-seeking groups can also opt for collective purchasing and renting together. This is a variant of collective private commissioning (CPO). Self-builders who, as a group, opt for individual owner-occupied homes do not therefore have any influence on the choice of a new resident when selling an individual home. If collective ownership is chosen, these buyers' interests do not get in the way. The residents are tenants, who can leave without any indebtedness.

Sitting residents, who want to keep their homes for the future, also benefit from collective ownership. The threat from outside can often only be countered by a collective commitment.


Description in Vrijcoop:

The residents of Bajesdorp form a quirky, mixed and close community on the edge of Amsterdam East that is characterized by diversity and creativity. Some of them work in the creative industry and a relatively large number of independent entrepreneurs are established.

De Groene Gemeenschap

Description in Vrijcoop:

The Green Community has been located on the Barkasstraat in Amsterdam since March 2011. We have chosen to live with like-minded people in a community where we use a number of living and working spaces together. The group has eight people, two cats and a bunch of plants.

Meer dan Woonen

Description in Vrijcoop:

Meer Dan Wonen is een project van een groep mensen en hun gezinnen die een groot pand in de regio Utrecht willen aankopen om daar gezamenlijk een woon-werkplek te creëren. Alle deelnemers zijn al jarenlang betrokken bij verschillende idealistische initiatieven en willen het project ook vanuit die achtergrond vorm gaan geven.