As a solo developer, I need to set up a GitHub repository for my project to manage version control, track changes, and back up my work securely.
Acceptance Criteria
Repository Creation: A GitHub repository for the project exists.
Initial Setup: The local project is initialized with Git, linked to the GitHub repository, and the
first commit is pushed.
Branching Strategy: Essential branches like 'main' and 'development' are created based on
the project's branching strategy.
[x] Create GitHub Repository: Log in to GitHub and create a new repository for the project
[x] Initialize Local Repository and Link to GitHub: Run git init in the project directory to initialize a local Git repository.
[x] Add the GitHub repository as a remote with git remote add origin [repository-URL].
[x] Make the initial commit and push it to GitHub with git push -u origin main.
[x] Set Up Key Branches:Create a 'development' branch with git branch development and push it to GitHub with git push -u origin development.
JorgenDIF/PP4-Riot-Rythm-Festival#66 As a solo developer, I need to set up a GitHub repository for my project to manage version control, track changes, and back up my work securely.
Acceptance Criteria
Repository Creation: A GitHub repository for the project exists.
Initial Setup: The local project is initialized with Git, linked to the GitHub repository, and the first commit is pushed.
Branching Strategy: Essential branches like 'main' and 'development' are created based on the project's branching strategy.
[x] Create GitHub Repository: Log in to GitHub and create a new repository for the project
[x] Initialize Local Repository and Link to GitHub: Run git init in the project directory to initialize a local Git repository.
[x] Add the GitHub repository as a remote with git remote add origin [repository-URL].
[x] Make the initial commit and push it to GitHub with git push -u origin main.
[x] Set Up Key Branches:Create a 'development' branch with git branch development and push it to GitHub with git push -u origin development.