Jorl17 / jar2app

Convert any Java jar to a Mac OS X .App bundle. No external tools needed, no funky parameters, it just works.
GNU General Public License v2.0
413 stars 56 forks source link

Jar2exe add on #20

Open nik312123 opened 6 years ago

nik312123 commented 6 years ago

As the title says, could you add exe exporting functionality from jar2app but one that works in converting to an exe application? That would be amazing! (It is just a feature request.)

Lucina commented 6 years ago

"Converting to an exe application" would be more or less creating a new wrapper to start a JVM with your program. Seeing as this project is in python... Perhaps it would be appropriate to use py2exe to create that wrapper. Unless, of course, a better way to compile an EXE that suits this purpose exists. One might also use this tool to add things like icon and version info. Personally, I would't put much stock in such a feature. There are various alternatives such as Launch4j and JSW, although I admit they're probably not designed to be as simplistic as jar2app.

nik312123 commented 6 years ago

I actually tried using Launch4j, and it work well enough. However, the issue here is enough to make me reconsider:

I have never heard of JSW, so I'll look into that one, too.

Although, if it would be possible to make a version of jar2app that includes exe support, it would be a lot simpler, and everyone would probably be using it.

Jorl17 commented 6 years ago


Although I consider this to be a good idea, it requires its own independent package, as the technology is vastly different. It is essentially a different project. As such, it is unlikely this feature will be implemented soon...

nik312123 commented 6 years ago

That is reasonable. I guess I will try to make it work somehow. :P