Jorl17 / jar2app

Convert any Java jar to a Mac OS X .App bundle. No external tools needed, no funky parameters, it just works.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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What I pass for -u param? the path of the cert or the p12 file or anything else? #41

Open Shamim1977 opened 5 years ago

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

-u SIGNATURE, --unique-signature=SIGNATURE 4 Byte unique signature of your application (Default: ????)

---->>> I got a cert from Apple as cert and created a p12 file too. Now, what to pass for the -u param? Would u please share an example with a dummy literal?

Lucina commented 5 years ago

-u is for the (outmoded) 4-character app signature system (e.g. -u TREE). You won’t need it. codesigning is done through Apple’s own tools.

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

-u is for the (outmoded) 4-character app signature system (e.g. -u TREE). You won’t need it. codesigning is done through Apple’s own tools.

so, the following command will do? codesign --deep --force --sign "Developer ID Application: " ./

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

that example is taken from another site! lol!

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

but, u know the codesign command will generate an ipa file, right? I expect the output to remain an app

Lucina commented 5 years ago

It does not pack a macOS app into an iOS package. That would be absurd.

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

its my fault that I didnt mention yet, the app I worte is in Java, but for Mac, I used jar2app to successfully create an app. it works. Now my friends wants to sign it. So, I am confused, if I use codesign or jar2app with apple cert/p12. I am using an Apple Dev I for this. And again, I wish to have an APP, not anything else. Your help can save me.

Lucina commented 5 years ago

Use codesign as outlined in the link provided.

Shamim1977 commented 5 years ago

Ok, man, thanks