Jorricks / python-degiro

An unofficial python API for trading on the DeGiro platform, with the ability to get real time data and historical data.
MIT License
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Question about python-degiro #2

Open AureliusMarcusHu opened 1 year ago

AureliusMarcusHu commented 1 year ago

Is this the same package as degiroapi on pypi, what is the difference ?

Jorricks commented 1 year ago

It is. But please note this is deprecated in favor of a better package.

AureliusMarcusHu commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply. Which is the better python package ?

AureliusMarcusHu commented 1 year ago

In my opinion degiroapi worked very well. Only searching products was a minor for me. The code below works, that's not the problem. My problem is: there is always only one element in the list of dicts. While some the isin code will be traded on different exchanges, you will expect that there are more elements in the list. But it is not. How i search a product by isin on a specific exchange. For example: below a copy from deGiro. As You can see: name, isin and symbol are the same, the only difference is the exchange. How I search the product traded on the Milan exchange ?


` def login(): global dgr dgr = degiroapi.DeGiro() dgr.login("nnnnn", "xxxxxx")

login() prdcts = dgr.search_products(isin) for prd in prdcts: print(prd) dgr.logout() `