Closed Z1013 closed 5 years ago
Please compare the make files, seems it changed. Add the required depencies.
-lwiringPi -lwiringPiDev -lcrypt
Hi Josar,
My Mistake, There was a Folder named RFmqtt inside my RPi_Utils and RFmqtt.cpp inside this Folder. Putting the File in RPi_Utils shows other errors while "making". Correcting these Errors, my RFmqtt.cpp starts now (every include in a seaprate Line, starting with#):
by @josar to forward the massages to MQTT */
### #include "../rc-switch/RCSwitch.h"
### #include <stdlib.h>
### #include <stdio.h>
/* usleep */
### #include <unistd.h>
/* nanosleep */
### #include <time.h>
/* for options */
### #include <getopt.h>
#include <strings.h>
/* inlcude MQTT */
### #include <mosquitto.h>
/* parameter
Everything's fine (RPi 3+ - DietPi, stretch).
Tanks & Regards Z1013
Hello Josar,
I've got an error compiling the RPi_utils. The MAKEFILE is as in The RFmqtt.o seems so be missing.
make: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Ziel „RFmqtt.o“, benötigt von „RFmqtt“, zu erstellen. Schluss.
Please update the Readme and alter
sodu make
tosudo make
Regards Z1013