If anybody has an issue finding the "path to Blender" option in Zbrush preferences, you have to extract the GoB-Master folder that you downloaded > go inside the folder > copy the Blender folder to the "GoZApps" folder located in C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps. You will have to restart Zbrush to have the button appear
`The order of the steps is very important and Zbrush must be open throughout the procedure.
1 - Open Zbrush
2 - Install GOZ for Zbrush
3 - Link the Blender .exe in preference/GOZ in Zbrush
4 - Install GOB master in Blender with Zbrush open.
5 - Link the Zbrush .exe in the preference of GOB master in Blender.
6 - Save preference`
1. Download GoB
2. Open the GoB zip file you just downloaded, there is a "Blender" folder inside, extract that folder and put the Blender folder to the "GoZApps" folder located in C:\Users\Public\Pixologic\GoZApps
(this is the fix for Zbrush -> Preference -> GoZ doesn't detect Blender)
3. Open Zbrush
4. Pereference -> GoZ -> setup the path to blender (the version you're currently using)
5. Open Blender
6. Install GoB addon and activate it by ticking the check box, then under option, set up the path to your Zbrush.exe (Shown in this video [0:47](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i39irrVXbTk&t=47s))
GoB should be ready to use now, but at this point, there is still a problem about the greyed out Export button, which is a little bug I think (?)
Turns out, we need to select at least 2 objects to export to Zbrush, then the export button will lit up (you can just set up a dummy object to export it along to zbrush and delete later if you only need to export 1 object)
I noticed we can just export 1 object as long as that object have a modifier in it (I think the object I selected have a subdiv modifier on, still need to do more test on this one)
Hope this helps
For some reason the older plugin version 3.484 works a lot faster with blender 2.83 than the 3.85 version with blender 2.93. And by faster I mean it takes just 5 to ten secs to import 700k poly mesh into blender in 2.83 but it takes ages to do same amount of polys in 2.93.
1 - Open Zbrush 2 - Install GOZ for Zbrush 3 - Link the Blender .exe in preference/GOZ in Zbrush 4 - Install GOB master in Blender with Zbrush open. 5 - Link the Zbrush .exe in the preference of GOB master in Blender. 6 - Save preference`