JoseExposito / touche

The desktop application to configure Touchégg
GNU General Public License v3.0
542 stars 26 forks source link

How to add gestures for an app? #97

Open arpinerap opened 3 months ago

arpinerap commented 3 months ago

I´m trying to add custom gestures for 3D Slicer application ( in Ubuntu 22.04 to manage 2 finger zoom control. When I push "+" button a new windows pops up with a message ordering to click on app window but Touché seems to be halt or waiting for something. It´s also impossible to come back to main menu. Maybe I´m doing something wrong....

Thanks on advance!

JoseExposito commented 3 months ago

Are you in a Wayland session? You can check it by running echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE in a terminal and checking the value returned.

Touché and Touchégg are X11-only tools:

In the next version of Touché I'll add a pop-up warning about it so it is more obvious what's going on.