Fantastic work, Jose! Everything seems functional, and the styling, for the most part, is clean & crisp. Very small amount of feedback; just a bit of polish and cleaning up some console warnings:
[x] Getting the following warnings in the console. For the red warnings, I think it's because you are setting mode to development in your webpack.config file. This is setting your environment to development even on heroku; you'll want to remove this line. It's hard to diagnose the yellow warnings without source-mapping; I'd look at those errors in localhost. If the warnings are coming from a library, then you can ignore them.
[x] Add hover effects to Login / Signup buttons on all your pages
[x] When I'm on the login or signup page and click the Demo user button, it seems to trigger a form submit, so I get a status 422, unprocessable entity error in the console. The demo login still works though. You may consider making that button not a button element so that it doesn't automatically trigger the form (or move it outside the form element);
Splash page
[x] Style the Own every mile to look more like Map My Run, including:
already a member? text and text in buttons
adding a background image
right align the text / buttons
[x] You'll need to add a footer as well ( you can replace the text in MMR's footer with anything you want: skills you have, a description of the project / technologies you used, or anything else) - no need to include the Under Armour / legal area though, just the dark grey background footer.
Fantastic work, Jose! Everything seems functional, and the styling, for the most part, is clean & crisp. Very small amount of feedback; just a bit of polish and cleaning up some console warnings:
element so that it doesn't automatically trigger the form (or move it outside the form element);Splash page
Own every mile
to look more like Map My Run, including:already a member?
text and text in buttons