JosefNemec / Playnite

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Play time offset field #3700

Open Rings4 opened 4 months ago

Rings4 commented 4 months ago

Feature description

I noticed that the old thread for this in #2619 is closed and not sure if my comment I posted on it will thus be seen. My sincerest apologies if that is not the case, feel free to delete this one as a dupe and re-open that one in such a case.

Tl;Dr, I want to be able to add an offset to my games' play times so that when their times are synced with Steam, it can still display an adjustment I choose to make to it to either subtract or add time.

As was the case in the old thread, this feature was initially deemed pointless, and then a couple years later, it was said that it will apparently be implemented by creating "fake" sessions.

I don't think a "fake" session is what we need. As the OP of that issue suggested, we need an offset.

In my case, I have over a thousand hours in Overwatch 1 and now Overwatch 2. Since installing Overwatch 2 on Steam, however, it only shows the play time I've gotten in Steam, which is 96h. So not only is it not including my playtime from Overwatch 1, it's also not including my playtime from Overwatch 2 which was played from the Blizzard client.

I need the Steam play time sync setting to be enabled as I launch Overwatch 2 via an Autohotkey macro, which launches the steam shortcut, and I launch other games through steam and other devices as well. I need Playnite to update my play time from Steam automatically. I just simply need to add an offset to add, for example, 5,400,000 seconds (1500h) to the play time that won't get wiped the next time it syncs play time from Steam.

I think it would be a really good idea to either make an additional field beside/below the play time field, or allow the use of a + followed by a number to act as an offset. So 200+100 would always add 100 seconds to the play time, while the 200 still gets updated when updating play time via playnite or steam sync.


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Jeshibu commented 4 months ago

I'm really not seeing how manually adding a session for your other platforms' playtime wouldn't cover this. Are you concerned about UX?

Rings4 commented 4 months ago

I'm really not seeing how manually adding a session for your other platforms' playtime wouldn't cover this. Are you concerned about UX?

It's likely I'm just uninformed on this, but could you explain what you mean about "adding a session"? How would I do this?

Jeshibu commented 4 months ago

If you mean right now, you can't. If you mean in Playnite 11, the UI isn't done for that as far as I know. The concept is that your playtime can be a sum of sessions (as in - every time you start and quit the game is registered, and the sum of those times is your total playtime). Obviously this runs into issues with something like Steam's fetched playtimes overlapping with the Playnite sessions though, I'm not sure how that's going to work yet.

Rings4 commented 4 months ago

If you mean right now, you can't. If you mean in Playnite 11, the UI isn't done for that as far as I know. The concept is that your playtime can be a sum of sessions (as in - every time you start and quit the game is registered, and the sum of those times is your total playtime). Obviously this runs into issues with something like Steam's fetched playtimes overlapping with the Playnite sessions though, I'm not sure how that's going to work yet.

Oh, I don't know anything about playnite 11. That sounds like a very interesting feature and I look forward to how it will be implemented. I think what I want to do can be achieved using that system.

So I guess this suggestion won't be something coming to playnite 10?

Terrance commented 4 months ago

I'll also note that my original request in #2619 was to reduce time, not add to it, so can I add a session with a negative time in order to offset in either direction?

Rings4 commented 4 months ago

I'll also note that my original request in #2619 was to reduce time, not add to it, so can I add a session with a negative time in order to offset in either direction?

The feature I'm asking for would be able to do this as it would be an offset. So 100 would add 100s, and -100 would subtract 100s.

Edit: Just realized you're likely talking to Jeshibu. In which case, I'm curious as well.

ShadowsDieThrice commented 1 month ago

+1 on an offset or sesssion sum implemented. Alternatively, it would be good to have have separate playtimes for different platforms, that aggregate if games are able to be merged.