Joseph-Rance / Com-Soc-robotic-arm

Repo for the code for our robotic arm project
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Open Joseph-Rance opened 3 years ago

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

image image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

UPDATE 16/10/2020:

I got together a list of parts for the servo power supply, and the components have been sent off. We will be meeting at 6:30 Saturday to discuss the CAD modelling

BlueScorch2 commented 3 years ago


Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

From the call:

  1. What type of Claw to use one finger will bee fixed, the other attached to servo. the stationary finger will be split in two (not too wide though)
  2. Best way to attach servos to arm- ie. 3d printed mould, glue, etc Glue in bottom of cup
  3. Best way to attach servo axles to next part see pinned diagram; see pinned link for servo connection
  4. What type of base (eg should we just stick it to a big piece of mdf) make sheet on bottom go paast servos to put weight on (e.g. book)
  5. Best cross section shape needs cad stress testing
  6. how to connect the arm to the servo axles see pinned diagram (3)
  7. how to connect the joints see pinned diagram (3)
  8. how to connect that arm together in general see second pinned diagram
  9. modularity? use modular fingers (make them easily removable
  10. add camera mount to gripper
  11. see last pinned diagram for servo locations
Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

image link image 6 servos on bottom, 2 on beta, 3 on grabber

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Because we need to make a decision on this and I keep forgetting to bring it up in meetings, I'm just going to make it now: x = 0.4m; y = 0.35m.

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

MESSAGE FROM COM SOC DISCORD @BlueScorch2 @[Gwon] @[rebeka] So its going to be us 4 and Hemanth working on the arm.

Mr. McCain mentionned that we have two different 3D printers when we met him at lunch. The filament we are getting is 1.75mm so we'll be using the flash forge finder (in case you need any specifications for part size etc.)

I think it will be best if we give each person a specific part to work on. I want to decide what everyone is going to be doing ASAP so if anyone is feeling inspired they can begin already, however we have admissions tests coming up so we'll only properly begin modelling on the week beginning the 9th. I think we should aim to have models complete two weeks after that.

Of course, we will almost certainly meet more problems and decisions, so if there are any issues I'm happy to do a meeting (or dm) to talk about them. Also, we'll have to collaborate a bit to decide how each part will connect to the others, so we need to all meet at some point anyways.

Info for modelling (inc. notes from last meeting) should be here:

If you have a question, that above link may be a good place to ask it so everyone else can see.

With regards to who is doing what, does anyone have any preferences? Also how much each person is willing to do? I imagine we'll split the components up like below: person 1: alpha hinge + servo holders for alpha person 2: beta hinge + servo holders for beta person 3: gamma hinge + servo holders for gamma person 4: grabber + camera person 5: x and y beam (+ wire management)

Also, is it possible to get a channel in the eng soc team so we can include Hemanth (and anyone who joins late) in all this?

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Com Soc team todo:

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

image image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago


Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago


Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

servo dimensions: 40x19x43

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Todo before 5pm saturday:

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Another diagram similar to the ones above IMG_20201120_203137

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Joe (by next week):



Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

gripper and cross section files: robot arm

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

If anyone needs the servo layout the most up to date conversation I can find about that on discord has this layout: 1 servo for gripper finger movement 1 servo for gripper rotation 1 servo for gripper up/down 2 servos at "elbow" 6 servos at base for up/down 1 servo for base sideways rotation

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

new gripper and x section files: robot arm badly edited image of them together: image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Update: robot arm main (2).zip image

GwonWorks commented 3 years ago image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

robot arm

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Update: robot arm main (2).zip image

I just realised that the rightmost servo here needs to be facing the left

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Picture1 robot arm main (2).zip

Edit: the cylinder on the right needs to be rotated 90 degrees

GwonWorks commented 3 years ago

image Added a hold with top diameter = 21mm (depth 7mm) and bottom diameter = 32mm (sloped)

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

Akilan and Hemanth: make your x section end in I shape

Files: robot arm main (3).zip

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

left to do:

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

changes to beta/elbow/xy joint: image updated

BlueScorch2 commented 3 years ago

image bullet (>'-')>

GwonWorks commented 3 years ago image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago image

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago


Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago

5.85 mm diameter spline

Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago


Joseph-Rance commented 3 years ago