Closed amygresham48 closed 2 years ago
Hello, thanks for this useful resource!
I am trying to run the in linux as follows:
_python3 --length_percentage 70 --hits_to_consider 20 --blast_file ncbi_nt --output_dir dada_seqs_ITS2.fa expanded_ncbitaxonomy.tsv
So the _dada_seqsITS2.fa file is my sequence_file and the _expanded_ncbitaxonomy.tsv is my tax_file.
I get this error: _the following arguments are required: taxfile
So it doesn't appear to be recognising the .tsv? Have I formatted the code wrong somehow?
Many thanks,
Figured it out! it was trying to use the .fa file as the --output_dir so specifying a name for the directory _Assignedtaxonomy fixed the error
Hello, thanks for this useful resource!
I am trying to run the in linux as follows:
_python3 --length_percentage 70 --hits_to_consider 20 --blast_file ncbi_nt --output_dir dada_seqs_ITS2.fa expanded_ncbitaxonomy.tsv
So the _dada_seqsITS2.fa file is my sequence_file and the _expanded_ncbitaxonomy.tsv is my tax_file.
I get this error: _the following arguments are required: taxfile
So it doesn't appear to be recognising the .tsv? Have I formatted the code wrong somehow?
Many thanks,