Closed Lefteris2993 closed 1 year ago
under construction code for each tile regarding the information it keeps stored:
extends Node
const mud_level_threshold = 30 #When the Water_amount is increased above mud_level
const flood_level_threshold = 100
const max_level = 200
enum TileState{
var coordinates : Vector2
var tile_state = TileState.Normal
var inventory : InventoryClass
var stone_obstacle = null #If it has a Stone Obstacle this value should be set
var plot_object = null #If it has a Plot this value should be set
var shrine_object = null #If it has a shrine_object, this value should be set
var cooking_bench_object = null #If it has a cooking_bench_object, this value should be set.
var seed_generator_object = null #If it has a seed_generator_object this value should be set.
# Potentially Plot,Shrine,CookingBench,Seed Generator should belong in the same class. As only one of them could exist on a tile at a time.
# If Water_amount is higher than a specific
var water_amount : int =0 setget set_water_amount
func set_water_amount(value):
water_amount = int(clamp(value, 0, max_level))
match tile_state:
if water_amount > mud_level_threshold and water_amount <= flood_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Muddy
elif water_amount > flood_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Flooded
if water_amount <= mud_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Normal
elif water_amount > flood_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Flooded
if water_amount < mud_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Normal
elif water_amount >= mud_level_threshold and water_amount < flood_level_threshold:
tile_state = TileState.Muddy
func add_to_water_level(value_to_add):
var new_water_level = int(clamp(water_amount + value_to_add, 0, max_level))
func _init():
inventory =
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
func has_stone():
return stone_obstacle != null
func has_plot():
return plot_object !=null
func has_shrine():
return shrine_object !=null
func has_cooking_bench():
return cooking_bench_object != null
func has_seed_generator():
return seed_generator_object != null
func has_interractible():
return has_plot() or has_shrine() or has_cooking_bench() or has_seed_generator()
Clouds movement should make tiles flood over time. Plot also benefit or suffer from clouds rain. (maybe plot reduce "flooded" stat faster then normal tiles)