Josh-Larson / CameraBoardAPI

An API to interface with the Camera Board on the Raspberry Pi.
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Capture is not good #9

Closed rmsalinas closed 10 years ago

rmsalinas commented 10 years ago

Hi, I've just added an opencv camera module.

I've been testing the camera and the results are not comparable to original raspistill in my opinion.

First, capture is very slow(0.5fps). I have worked on changing the STILLS_FRAME_RATE_NUM and set it to 15, but I have obtained no difference. When I use jpeg in camera_test, it seems to run a bit faster.

In addition, I see the images generated to be different from these obtained by raspistill, the later seems brighter.

Josh-Larson commented 10 years ago

I apologize, but I have been totally overloaded with school. I will try to figure things out and improve it as soon as I can. Thanks for adding the OpenCV module! I was just about to do that, saved me some time! Something I noticed though was that some of the source files were empty, was there a git mistake or am I just not seeing the proper commit?

exilaus commented 10 years ago

Josh and rmsalinas check this project ,

Josh for improve quality and velocity of camera

rmsalinas for use this http high framerate for aruco/opencv

currently i test stability with 1280 x 960 13fps and work fine and use only 12% cpu.

rmsalinas commented 10 years ago


I am sorry but I do not quite understand how this project can be useful for raspi camera. We need a H420 decoder, not a mjpeg streamer.

Josh-Larson commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I should give an update. I was able to get a stream from a c++ V4L API, and it reliably gives me an image while being able to change many of the common settings on the camera. This API is best used for single image capture, while using the more advanced read interfaces is best used for streaming and processing. I can easily get 320x240 at 30fps (while doing heavy processing) and 640x480 at 13-14fps doing the same processing. My future intentions are to integrate the two into one easy to use API.