JoshCheek / seeing_is_believing

Displays the results of every line of code in your file
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garbage output dumped into the file #142

Open JoshCheek opened 5 years ago

JoshCheek commented 5 years ago

Before running:

def alphabet_position(str)
  str.scan(/\[a-z]/i).map { |c| c.ord & 0b11111 }.join(' ')

def assert_equals(actual, expected)
  raise RuntimeError, "#{actual}\n#{expected}", caller unless actual == expected

  alphabet_position("The sunset sets at twelve o' clock."),
  "20 8 5 19 21 14 19 5 20 19 5 20 19 1 20 20 23 5 12 22 5 15 3 12 15 3 11"
  alphabet_position("The narwhal bacons at midnight."),
  "20 8 5 14 1 18 23 8 1 12 2 1 3 15 14 19 1 20 13 9 4 14 9 7 8 20"

After running:

def alphabet_position(str)
  str.scan(/\[a-z]/i).map { |c| c.ord & 0b11111 }.join(' ')

def assert_equals(actual, expected)
  raise RuntimeError, "#{actual}\n#{expected}", caller unless actual == expected

assert_equals( # ~> RuntimeError: \n20 8 5 19 21 14 19 5 20 19 5 20 19 1 20 20 23 5 12 22 5 15 3 12 15 3 11
  alphabet_position("The sunset sets at twelve o' clock."),
  "20 8 5 19 21 14 19 5 20 19 5 20 19 1 20 20 23 5 12 22 5 15 3 12 15 3 11"
  alphabet_position("The narwhal bacons at midnight."),
  "20 8 5 14 1 18 23 8 1 12 2 1 3 15 14 19 1 20 13 9 4 14 9 7 8 20"

# ~> RuntimeError
# ~> 
# ~> 20 8 5 19 21 14 19 5 20 19 5 20 19 1 20 20 23 5 12 22 5 15 3 12 15 3 11
# ~>
# ~> program.rb:9:in `<main>'/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
/Users/josh/.gem/ruby/2.5.1/gems/parser- warning: regular expression has ']' without escape: /\[a-z]/
JoshCheek commented 5 years ago

NOTE: The regex accidentally escaped the character set (b/c it used to be /\w/ and I forgot to take out the escape)