JoshCheek / seeing_is_believing

Displays the results of every line of code in your file
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seeing is believing isn't working. keeps saying not installed, but it is? #64

Closed UsmanJ closed 8 years ago

UsmanJ commented 9 years ago

I've checked the gem, its installed.

I get this error in atom:

Window load time: 588ms /Users/UsmaanJ/.atom/packages/seeing-is-believing/lib/ Seeing is Believing: /Users/UsmaanJ/.atom/packages/seeing-is-believing/lib/ command: ruby -S seeing_is_believing --alignment-strategy chunk --number-of-captures 300 --line-length 1000 --timeout 12 --xmpfilter-style /Users/UsmaanJ/.atom/packages/seeing-is-believing/lib/ env: Object {TMPDIR: "/var/folders/x3/bfjwp8013435b5l4nvwj3gq00000gn/T/", __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING: "0x1F5:0x0:0x0", SHELL: "/bin/bash", HOME: "/Users/UsmaanJ", Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render: "/private/tmp/"…} /Users/UsmaanJ/.atom/packages/seeing-is-believing/lib/ Seeing is Believing stderr:ruby: No such file or directory -- seeing_is_believing (LoadError)

/Users/UsmaanJ/.atom/packages/seeing-is-believing/lib/ Seeing is Believing closed with code 1

I've tried deleting and re-installing but still isn't working.

JoshCheek commented 8 years ago

See the command there, ruby -S seeing_is_believing --alignment-strategy chunk --number-of-captures 300 --line-length 1000 --timeout 12 --xmpfilter-style it's running ruby, which is just whichever Ruby is in your path. That is probably your system Ruby (/usr/bin/ruby) and not the one you installed it into. The way to fix this is to do which ruby which will tell you the path to the Ruby you installed it into, then to configure Atom to use that Ruby. The configuration is, unfortunately, a pita, hopefully you can just paste it into the ruby-command in ~/.atom/config.cson here is what mine looks like:

    userId: "..."
    showOnStartup: false
    disabledPackages: [
    themes: [
    invisibles: {}
    fontSize: 17
    "ruby-command": "/Users/josh/code/dotfiles/bin/sib_ruby"
      SHELL: "/bin/bash"
    somekey: {}
  minimap: {}
    breakOnSingleNewline: true