JoshClose / CsvHelper

Library to help reading and writing CSV files
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Custom Type Converter page should include an example of using type converter constructor arguments #2213

Open Will-at-FreedomDev opened 7 months ago

Will-at-FreedomDev commented 7 months ago


Relevant feature implementation:

Possible example:

[TypeConverter(typeof(TruncateStringConverter), 20)] // 20 is passed into the constructor of TruncateStringConverter 
public string Name { get; set; }

public class TruncateStringConverter: DefaultTypeConverter
    private readonly int _maxLength;

    public TruncateStringConverter(int maxLength)
        _maxLength = maxLength;

    public override string ConvertToString(object value, IWriterRow row, MemberMapData memberMapData)
        return Truncate(value is string stringValue ? stringValue : value?.ToString());

        string Truncate(string value)
            return value?[..Math.Min(value.Length, _maxLength)];
jzabroski commented 2 months ago

I did not even know this was possible. Neat.