JoshLmao / Spotify4Unity

🎮🎵 Add the SpotifyAPI.NET library into Unity, enabling access to the Spotify Web API, allowing for control of Spotify and accessing the world of music
MIT License
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Edit scope pls. Birthday is removed. #21

Closed ufodriverr closed 4 years ago

ufodriverr commented 4 years ago

Link to all legal scopes:

or let us choose scopes, this would be the best.

Cos current request gives Illegal scope cos of birthday.

JoshLmao commented 4 years ago

You can choose scopes, that was included in one of the lastest updates (v1.4.7). That still being included is part of SpotifyAPI.NET and only recently got removed from the Web API, hence it being a problem.

SpotifyAPI.NET should remove it soon however, just deselect it in the Advanced Settings of the Spotify Service