JoshLmao / Spotify4Unity

🎮🎵 Add the SpotifyAPI.NET library into Unity, enabling access to the Spotify Web API, allowing for control of Spotify and accessing the world of music
MIT License
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Build in WebGL - Use Spotify4Unity for a online application #49

Open CraftCodeYS opened 1 year ago

CraftCodeYS commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to use Spotify4Unity as a web application?
With WebGL, the Unity project can be successfully launched in the web browser. However, the web browser crashes as soon as you try to call the Spotify service and get the client. This means that all the functionalities of Spotify4Unity cannot be used at the moment. There was also no option in the player settings to use Mono instead of L2cpp as the scripting backend, which might have solved the problem. Is there another way to use the tool online anyway?