JoshMarler / react-juce

Write cross-platform native apps with React.js and JUCE
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ReactJUCEGainPlugin has a memory leak with CFString #318

Closed shih1 closed 4 months ago

shih1 commented 5 months ago


I understand that this project support is in limbo but I still believe in the utility and that its something plugins could greatly benefit from so hopefully other believers can help me diagnose this issue :)

I was developing an independent plugin and noticed a memory leak. It seems related to invalidating the timeoutFunction when looping the Hermes JS engine.

I went ahead and tested the GainPlugin example and found a similar leak.

Profiled using leaks --atExit -- ./ReactJUCEGainPlugin on an M1 Mac.

Process:         ReactJUCEGainPlugin [94244]
Path:            /Users/USER/*/
Load Address:    0x102a1c000
Identifier:      com.yourcompany.GainPlugin
Version:         0.1.0 (0.1.0)
Code Type:       ARM64
Platform:        macOS
Parent Process:  leaks [94243]

Date/Time:       2024-04-06 22:23:45.449 +0800
Launch Time:     2024-04-06 22:23:39.933 +0800
OS Version:      macOS 12.6.5 (21G531)
Report Version:  7
Analysis Tool:   /Applications/
Analysis Tool Version:  Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100)

Physical footprint:         27.5M
Physical footprint (peak):  37.7M

leaks Report Version: 4.0
Process 94244: 20272 nodes malloced for 3255 KB
Process 94244: 1 leak for 48 total leaked bytes.

    1 (48 bytes) ROOT LEAK: <CFString 0x600002997900> [48]

I've narrowed down the problem code to EcmascriptEngine_Hermes.cpp and reviewed the clearing functionality and it all seems correct to me which makes me think that it could be some concurrency issue but I'm not entirely sure.

            explicit TimeoutFunctionManager(jsi::Runtime &rt)
                : runtime(rt)

            ~TimeoutFunctionManager() override

            void clear()
                std::for_each(timeoutFunctions.cbegin(), timeoutFunctions.cend(), [this](const auto &tf)
                              { stopTimer(tf.first); });


            jsi::Value clearTimeout(const int id)

                if (const auto f = timeoutFunctions.find(id); f != timeoutFunctions.cend())

                return jsi::Value();

            jsi::Value newTimeout(jsi::Function f, const int timeoutMillis, std::vector<jsi::Value> args, const bool repeats = false)
                static int nextId = 0;
                timeoutFunctions.emplace(nextId, TimeoutFunction(std::move(f), std::move(args), repeats));
                startTimer(nextId, timeoutMillis);

                return nextId++;

Any one experienced or with more knowledge than me have any clues? Any help is appreciated