### [`v7.0.13`]( .NET 7.0.13
### [`v7.0.12`]( EF Core 7.0.12
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.11.
### [`v7.0.11`]( EF Core 7.0.11
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.10.
### [`v7.0.10`]( EF Core 7.0.10
EF Core 7.0.10 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Scaffolding synapse fails when attempting to enumerate triggers](
- [Silent data loss when adding objects to an sqlite DB with PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE in a multi-threaded environment.](
### [`v7.0.9`]( EF Core 7.0.9
EF Core 7.0.9 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Error "Index was outside the bounds of the array." when reading from dataset without AsNoTracking()](
### [`v7.0.8`]( EF Core 7.0.8
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.7.
### [`v7.0.7`]( EF Core 7.0.7
EF Core 7.0.7 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes](
- [IndexOutOfRangeException in CreateNavigationExpansionExpression](
- [Linq select cannot project an entity containing both Json columns and ICollections](
- [Json: updating property with conversion from string to other type fails on sql server](
- [Duplicate table alias in generated select query (An item with the same key has already been added)](
- [InvalidOperationException when calling ExecuteUpdate with owned entity & using current value](
- [Query/Json: projecting entity collection along with json collection generates invalid shaper](
- [AutoInclude causes ExecuteDelete to fail](
- [Multiple LeftJoins (GroupJoins) lead to GroupJoin Exception when the same where is used twice](
- [SaveChanges circular dependency in unique unfiltered index (when change doesn't affect any column from unique index).](
### [`v7.0.5`]( EF Core 7.0.5
EF Core 7.0.5 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Can't add migration renaming a column on TPC root](
- [Scaffolded collection navigation properties do not have setters](
- [EF7 generating incorrect SQL for the Concat/Union All](
- [Added nullable property to Json mapped model resulting in errors instead of mapping non existing json property to null](
### [`v7.0.4`]( EF Core 7.0.4
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Exception replacing multi-level relationship in EF7](
- [Deletion can cause error "The association between entity types A and B has been severed..."](
- [Non-empty second migration in TPC scheme using inheritance](
- [Entity Framework Core 7 keeps creating the same migration for Nullable DateTime field](
- [TPC mapping strategy not respecting default database schema during migration](
- [Count after Take throws "No column name was specified for column 1 of 't'."](
And for [Microsoft.Data.Sqlite](
- [ArgumentOutOfRangeException in SqliteConnectionFactory.PruneCallback](
### [`v7.0.3`]( EF Core 7.0.3
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Add-Migration fails with "An item with the same key has already been added" when renaming entity](
- [ExecuteUpdate fails when target entity has an owned entity](
- [EF Core 7 Rev eng: Missing HasForeignKey when referencing a navigation property with a unique constraint with DataAnnotations on](
- [Change in behaviour of CSharpHelper.Identifier(string name)](
- [NullReferenceException scaffolding when no primary key set](
- [Idempotent migration script not working on EFCore7.0 for AlterColumn when nullable changed from true to false](
- [6.0.11 to 7.0.0: \[...\] are both mapped to column \[..\] but are configured to use differing provider types ('double' and 'double?').'](
- [Generated Model Snapshot throws InvalidOperationException](
- [SQL Server bulk insert broken when new command applies pending commands and goes over the batch parameter limit](
- [Invalid singularization when scaffolding a manytomany table](
- [In EF7, SqLite unable to load spatialite using the NetTopologySuite Package](
- [Cannot access property through interface in ExecuteUpdate setter lambda](
- [DbContext scaffold missing IndexerProperty for M2M relation after moving to EF Core 7](
- [Performance regression in model building in Entity Framework Core 7](
- [Mixing sproc and non-sproc commands in the same batch may fail with a NullReferenceException](
- [Condition's order will cause different result when using .Contains() to search string cross varchar and nvarchar columns](
- [SaveChanges circular dependency in unique unfiltered index](
- [QueryTrackingBehavior resets to TrackAll when using DbContext pooling](
- [EFCore 7.0.0 - Graph of entity insertion throws a FK exception](
- [Replacing PK to PK TPH dependent with different type fails](
- [dotnet ef migrations add freezes](
- [InvalidOperationException when mapping properties of different types to the same column](
- [Obsoletion message for AutoTransactionsEnabled is wrong](
- [Incorrect NullReferenceException for parameter in split query with GroupBy](
### [`v7.0.2`]( EF Core 7.0.2 (EF7)
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Exception when inserting multiple rows into the same table on SQL Server](
### [`v7.0.1`]( EF Core 7.0.1 (EF7)
This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.1.
### [`v7.0.0`]( EF Core 7.0 (EF7)
EF Core 7.0 GA (commonly referred to as EF7) is now available from [NuGet](
See [What's New in EF7]( for a detailed look at all the new features in EF7. In summary, the following new features are included in EF7:
- [Make basic EF scenarios work under aggressive trimming](
- [Entity splitting support](
- [Support for GroupBy entityType](
- [Support GroupJoin when it is final query operator](
- [ExecuteUpdate: Add SetProperty overload that accepts a value directly (no lambda)](
- [Support sproc input/output parameters on non-concurrency-token properties](
- [Implement TagWith for ExecuteUpdate and DeleteUpdate](
- [ExecuteDelete for owner when only its owned types are sharing the same table](
- [Stop scaffolding DbSet initialization to null!](
- [CSharpHelper: support more types of collection literals](
- [Map JSON values stored in database to EF properties](
- [ExecuteUpdate/Delete (AKA bulk update, without loading data into memory)](
- [Code templates for scaffolding entity types and DbContext from an existing database](
- [Support raw SQL Queries for basic types like Guid, DateTime and int](
- [Allow applications to create model building conventions (aka public conventions)](
- [Cosmos: Support AAD RBAC via the ClientSecretCredential](
- [Map inserts, updates, and deletes (CUD operations) to stored procedures](
- [Add a static flag in EF that will be set when code is being executed for design-time discover](
- [Support sequence key generation on SQL Server, which is useful for Table-per-concrete-type (TPC) mapping](
- [Allow null connection string to be passed to UseProvider methods](
- [Downgrade the ContextInitialized event from Information to Debug](
- [Get an EntityEntry for Shared Entity Types](
- [Make EntityEntryGraphIterator publicly usable](
- [Support unidirectional many-to-many relationships](
- [Translate string.Join and string.Concat](
- [RevEng: Enable generating IEntityTypeConfiguration classes (avoids large OnModelCreating)](
- [Interception to modify the LINQ expression tree](
- [Interception for DbUpdateConcurrencyException](
- [Add interception event to be fired when EF has finished consuming a result set](
- [Add events for DetectChanges/state change](
- [ChangeTracker: New event for "entity about to get tracked"](
- [Translate EnvelopeCombiner.CombineAsGeometry aggregate function](
- [SQL Server: Translate statistics aggregate functions](
- [Filtered Includes for hidden navigation properties](
- [Make it easier to pass a CancellationToken to FindAsync](
- [Interception for object materialization (a.k.a. "ObjectMaterialized")](
- [Provide a hook for identity resolution](
- [Create lazy-loading and change-tracking proxy types lazily](
- [Compiled model: Allow use of lazy loading and change tracking proxy types](
- [Full support for custom provider aggregate functions](
- [Spatial: Translate aggregate functions](
- [Allow specifying different column names per table in TPT, TPC or entity splitting](
- [Support for custom proxy generation](
- [TPC inheritance mapping pattern](
- [DeleteBehaviorAttribute](
- [Translate GetType() for entity types with inheritance](
- [Delay DbCommandInterceptor.CommandCreated until DbCommand properties are initialized](
- [Remove unnecessary extra batches in SaveChanges](
- [Don't check for a connection string until after ConnectionOpening has been called](
- [Add ConnectionCreating/ConnectionCreated to DbConnectionInterceptor](
- [Migration name filter](
- [Add support for AT TIME ZONE](
- [GroupBy aggregate lifting](
- [Pascal-case the DbContext name when scaffolding](
- [Support value generation with converters](
- [Improve batching performance when using TPH mappings](
- [Attribute (Data Annotations) mapping for composite primary keys](
- [SQL Server UTF8 collations](
- [Stop wrapping single changes in transactions where possible](
- [SQLite SaveChanges: Use RETURNING clause](
- [SQL Server: Optimize SQL Server OUTPUT clause usage when retrieving database-generated values](
- [Stop automatically deleting orphans for optional relationships with cascade delete configured](
- [Empty default interface implementations for all interceptor interface methods](
- [Temporal tables support for owned entities and other table splitting scenarios](
- [Support for index ordering (ASC/DESC)](
- [Support "non-rooted" query expressions in compiled queries](
- [Property/Reference/etc overloads that take IProperty/INavigation](
- [Distinguish cancellation from failure to allow different logging strategies](
- [Lift table from subquery when joining if no additional operations](
- [DiagnosticSuppressor for CS8618 for DbSet properties](
- [Stop generating a default DbContext constructor when using dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold --no-onconfiguring](
- [Robust and extensible SQL precedence/parentheses mechanism](
- [Translation for string.IndexOf(string, int)](
- [Support SqlNullabilityProcessor and COALESCE with more than two arguments](
- [Support Contains when using a IReadOnlySet](
- [Overload of EnableRetryOnFailure that allows specifying errorCodesToAdd without count / delay](
See GitHub for [all issues resolved in EF7](
### [`v6.0.24`]( .NET 6.0.24
### [`v6.0.23`]( EF Core 6.0.23
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.22.
### [`v6.0.22`]( EF Core 6.0.22
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.21.
### [`v6.0.21`]( EF Core 6.0.21
EF Core 6.0.21 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 6 containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Silent data loss when adding objects to an sqlite DB with PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE in a multi-threaded environment.](
### [`v6.0.20`]( EF Core 6.0.20
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.19.
### [`v6.0.19`]( EF Core 6.0.19
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.18.
### [`v6.0.18`]( EF Core 6.0.18
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.16.
### [`v6.0.16`]( EF Core 6.0.16
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.15.
### [`v6.0.15`]( EF Core 6.0.15
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.14.
### [`v6.0.14`]( EF Core 6.0.14
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.13.
### [`v6.0.13`]( EF Core 6.0.13
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.12.
### [`v6.0.12`]( EF Core 6.0.12
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [string.IndexOf throws NullReferenceException when applied on the result of a DbFunction ](
- [Function StoreType is ignored for DateTime](
- [RelationalMethodCallTranslatorProvider and explicit typeMapping](
### [`v6.0.11`]( EF Core 6.0.11
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Excessive memory usage after enabling DbContextFactory](
- [Avoid re-sending PRAGMA KEY on pooled SQLite connections](
### [`v6.0.10`]( EF Core 6.0.10
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0.]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 6.1.9.
### [`v6.0.9`]( EF Core 6.0.9
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Scaffolding with NRT generates non-nullable navigation property from principal to dependent](
- [Migrations containing strings with many line-breaks will truncate strings silently](
### [`v6.0.8`]( EF Core 6.0.8
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Regression in 6.0.2: The variable name '@p0' has already been declared.](
### [`v6.0.7`]( EF Core 6.0.7
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Don't add grouping key to projection when Distinct is applied](
### [`v6.0.6`]( EF Core 6.0.6
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Can't create a view with navigation property](
- [Tools: Add dotnet-ef shims arm64](
- [Diagnostics: DataReaderDisposingEventData.ReadCount accumulates the value from different readers](
- [Consider setting NullabilityInfoContextSupport=true in EF's NuGet package](
- [SQLite doesn't work when trimming](
- [dotnet-ef needs to target 6](
Note that this release contains a [breaking change for the `dotnet-ef` command line tool](
### [`v6.0.5`]( EF Core 6.0.5
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Query exception after upgrading from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2](
### [`v6.0.4`]( EF Core 6.0.4
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Exception from SQLite provider when application is shutting down](
- [Collection_navigation_equal_to_null_for_subquery fails after merging from release/6.0](
- [EF Core 6.0 temporal tables - migration rollback doesn't work](
- [InvalidOperationException on save after upgrading from 5 to 6](
### [`v6.0.3`]( EF Core 6.0.3
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [FirstOrDefault after custom projection == null cannot be translated](
- [DbContext scaffolding creates reference error CS0120 in nameof() for InverseProperty in certain conditions](
- [EF core 6 selecting null values despite where clause asking for not null](
- [Query: Rownumber conversion needs better logic to figure out partitions](
- [Suboptimal SQL generation for query with optional navigation, its collection navigation and lateral join](
- [Aggregates on multiple child tables produces invalid SQL](
- [ServiceProviderCache keeps initially created IServiceProvider indefinitely](
- [Setting a Nullable Foreign Key property to Null triggers cascade delete](
- [Optimize hangs and stops responding](
### [`v6.0.2`]( EF Core 6.0.2
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Exception when creating new migration after updating from 6.0-rc.1 to 6.0-rc.2 or 6.0-rtm](
- [efcore6 produces wrong SELECT SQL when Where/OrderBy clauses are applied to Owned properties followed by .Take](
- [Proxies using Records with a base class broken since .NET 6](
- [Parentheses put around IS NULL only if operand is of type boolean](
- [Self-referencing entity circular dependency happening just on EF Core 6.0](
- [Many To Many Exception when adding and removing same entity](
- [RelationalConnection.Close calls async function](
- [Circular dependency while creating tables with DatabaseFacade.EnsureCreated on EF Core 6](
- [EF Core Migration Bundles: no way to passthrough custom args to generated efbundle](
- [Did the naming convention change for HasCheckConstraint in v.6? Is this a breaking change?](
- [Generated JOIN for multiple MIN is wrong](
- [StackOverflowException in nested GroupBy query](
- [When trimming, queries fail because of missing System.Math](
- [GroupBy with outer reference not translating properly, causing data loss](
- [EF 6.0.0 and 6.0.1: sub-lists are no longer loaded](
### [`v6.0.1`]( EF Core 6.0.1
This is a [patch release of EF Core 6.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [DateTime with z suffix is not respected when reading entities](
- ['The object has been removed from the model.' when building model](
- [EF Core 6.0 regression when using HasDefaultSchema() with ToTable(null)](
- [Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure](
- [Stack overflow when using circular composite key dependencies](
- [SqliteConnectionFactory.cs is not thread-safe](
- [EF Core 6.0 InvalidOperationException: The object has been removed from the model](
- [Subquery.Contains throws when the type of item is value type](
- [Query with n:m relation adds non-existent column](
- [InvalidOperationException "sequence contains no matching element" in TableReferenceExpression.get_Table](
- [Update from 5.0.1 to 6.0breaks all SqliteConnection](
- [Scaffolder throws error if junction table foreign key columns have identical names](
- [EFCore 6 - NullReferenceException upon EnsureDeleted](
- [Non-nullable value comparer can't be applied on nullable type](
- [Exception in SQL server query in EF Core 6, looks related to HasQueryFilter(), worked in EF Core 5](
- [RC2 Sqlite provider no longer clears temporary files on exit](
- [The dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold command does not print all expected logs](
### [`v6.0.0`]( EF Core 6.0
EF Core 6.0 GA is now available from [NuGet](
See [What's New in EF Core 6.0]( for a detailed look at all the new features in EF Core 6.0. In summary, the following new features are included in EF Core 6.0:
- [Allow defining column order via \[ColumnAttribute.Order\] when creating tables](
- [SQL Server temporal tables](
- [Migrations Bundles](
- [Cosmos: Add basic support for collections and dictionaries of primitive types](
- [Cosmos: Add translators for member/methods which map to built-in functions](
- [Cosmos: Distinct operator in queries](
- [Cosmos: Diagnostic events including statistics (query cost, activity id)](
- [Cosmos: API to configure throughput](
- [Cosmos: Configure TTL per entity/entity type/container](
- [Cosmos: FromSql support](
- [Cosmos: Resolve HttpClientFactory from DI if available](
- [Cosmos: Azure Cosmos DB provider should default to implicit ownership](
- [Detect simple join tables in reverse engineering and create many-to-many relationships](
- [Translate GroupBy followed by FirstOrDefault over group](
- [Support ability to select top N of each group](
- [Remove unnecessary *last column* in ORDER BY when joining for collection](
- [Add IColumnModification and IModificationCommand to allow the implementations to be replaced easily](
- [Non-constant property name in EF.Property (and indexer property)](
- [Make the non-thread-safety of DbContext more visible](
- [Store options in ServiceProviderCache](
- [Adopt MIT license](
- [Warn when uniquifying an FK column name](
- [Preserve DeleteBehavior when scaffolding a database created by EF Core](
- [Add overloads of UsingEntity() that take advantage of conventions](
- [Log provider version in addition to EF Core version](
- [Indicate where SQL comes from (SaveChanges, LINQ query, etc.) in IDbCommandInterceptor](
- [Register a scoped DbContext automatically when using AddDbContextFactory](
- [Add extension methods to enable simpler adding and configuration of EF Core providers](
- [Simplify HasConversion API](
- [Support Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan in SetCommandTimeout](
- [Support suspending/bypassing the configured DbContext's IExecutionStrategy](
- [Support 64-bit Identity seed values](
- [Warn when saving an optional dependent with all null properties when table splitting](
- [Remove existing schema when HasSchema(null) is called](
- [Add equivalent of IRelationalDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure to in-memory provider](
- [Make HasDbFunction on function override implicit ToTable mapping](
- [Make IScaffoldingModelFactory public](
- [Uniquify and validate Check Constraint name](
- [Translate MathF members to SQL functions on SQLite](
- [Pre-convention model configuration](
- [Mechanism/API to specify a default conversion for any property of a given type in the model](
- [Support Ignore() for non entity type candidates](
- [Reduce EF Core application startup time via compiled models](
- [Add TagWith overload that gets the filename and line number automatically](
- [Translate bool ToString for SQL Server](
- [Scaffold from a database and generate C# 8 nullable reference types](
- [Translate Substring with single parameter](
- [Support split queries for projections containing non-navigation collections](
- [Improve EF Core performance on TechEmpower Fortunes](
- [Support empty constructor and DbContextOptions constructor in DbContextFactory](
- [Make DbContext pooling accessible to non-DI applications](
- [Increase the default maximum context pool size to 1024](
- [Improvements to optional dependents sharing table with principal](
- [Detection of trailing underscores when matching backing fields to properties](
- [Performance gain by recycling relational and ADO.NET objects in query execution](
- [Allow explicit temporary values to be stored in entity instances](
- [Default options added to all ToDebugString methods](
- [Improved logging of array parameter values](
- [Preserve synchronization context in SaveChangesAsync](
- [Translate String.Concat with multiple arguments](
- [Smoother integration with System.Linq.Async](
- [More flexible free-text search](
- [UnicodeAttribute](
- [PrecisionAttribute](
- [EntityTypeConfigurationAttribute](
- [Translate ToString on SQLite](
- [EF.Functions.Random](
- [Support for SQL Server sparse columns](
- [In-memory database: validate required properties are not null](
- [Improved SQL Server translation for IsNullOrWhitespace](
- [Database comments are scaffolded to code comments](
And for Microsoft.Data.Sqlite:
- [Support the new BCL DateOnly and TimeOnly structs for SQLite](
- [Fall back to case-insensitive matches for `SqliteDataReader[]`](
- [Add Span overloads to SqliteBlob](
- [Pool Connections](
See GitHub for [all issues fixed in EF Core 6.0]( and the [Git release tag](
### [`v5.0.17`]( EF Core 5.0.17
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.16.
### [`v5.0.16`]( EF Core 5.0.16
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.15.
### [`v5.0.15`]( EF Core 5.0.15
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.14.
### [`v5.0.14`]( EF Core 5.0.14
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.13.
### [`v5.0.13`]( EF Core 5.0.13
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.12.
### [`v5.0.12`]( EF Core 5.0.12
This is a [patch release of EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [ObjectDisposedException on retrieval of a pooled DbContext](
### [`v5.0.11`]( EF Core 5.0.11
This is a patch release of EF Core 5.0 containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.10.
### [`v5.0.10`]( EF Core 5.0.10
This is a patch release of EF Core 5.0 containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.9.
### [`v5.0.9`]( EF Core 5.0.9
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Port fix for "Code generation for custom data annotation attributes is broken"](
- [HasDbFunction to an otherwise unmapped entity causes strange migration behavior](
### [`v5.0.8`]( EF Core 5.0.8
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Using Concat for model/seed data in migrations may truncate long strings](
### [`v5.0.7`]( EF Core 5.0.7
This is a patch release of EF Core 5.0 containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.6.
### [`v5.0.6`]( EF Core 5.0.6
This is a patch release of EF Core 5.0 containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 5.0.5.
### [`v5.0.5`]( EF Core 5.0.5
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
- [Default value constraint re-added when using .HasComment()](
- [EfCore 5 Update method throws "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Int64'."](
- [SaveChanges fails for owned entity when owner has PK with default values](
- [\[Regression\] ThenInclude back to parent entity isn't working](
### [`v5.0.3`]( EF Core 5.0.3
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
##### Query
- [InMemory: Decompose join condition which uses equals for comparison](
- [IQueryable.All evaluates to false with predicate \_ => true](
- [Loading entity from DB does not properly load owned entities (In memory provider)](
- [AsSingleQuery can not be translated by in-memory provider](
- [TryRewriteEntityEquality and NotEqual comparison of CompositePrimaryKey](
##### Migrations
- [Builder method mismatch across providers in model snapshot](
- [MigrationBuilder.InsertData not considering column types passed in](
- [EF Core generates the same migration even though nothing has changed in the model](
- [Mangled migration generated when altering database collation](
##### Change tracking
- [Adding a join entity instance doesn't populate collections on the participating entities](
- [Can not build relationships when attach disconnected entities which have many-to-many related entities](
##### Diagnostics
- [Issues with event counters](
##### SaveChanges
- [Insertion order is wrong when owned entity is involved](
##### Model building
- [GetDefaultDatabaseName throws ArgumentNullException for table splitting](
### [`v5.0.2`]( EF Core 5.0.2
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
##### Change tracking
- [Many-to-many lazy (and explicit) loading erroneously sets inverse collection as loaded](
##### Migrations
- [Model (seed) data with newlines may result in SQL exceptions](
- [Migration concatenates strings that are escaped](
- [SQLite Migrations: Missing table name quotes during rebuild](
- [Foreign keys for tables marked as ExcludeFromMigrations regenerated in every migrations](
##### Model building
- [TPH where derived entities each have Required Owned Entities with Required / Non-Nullable Properties throws SqlException](
- [Error using case-mismatched mapped properties in many to many relationship](
- [EntityTypeBuilder: .IsRequired() is ignored if used after .OnDelete()](
##### Query
- [Overlapping property in many-to-many join table causes an error](
##### SaveChanges
- [EfCore 5 update breaks behavior of RowVersion with Conversions for InMemory database](
### [`v5.0.1`]( EF Core 5.0.1
This is a patch release of [EF Core 5.0]( containing only [important bug fixes](
##### EF Core 5.0.1
- Query
- [Properly generate expression to read provider-specific types from BufferedDataReader](
- [Owned collection when owner has composite PK throws translation failure](
- [ArgumentOutOfRangeException for split query with owned types](
- [Incorrect SQL generated when applying group by over a group by](
- [KeyNotFoundException when adding a single projection](
- [Incorrect result when doing owner + Include collection + split query + owned type mapped to different table + single](
- [InvalidCastException on entities referencing Owned types containing NetTopologySuite Point properties](
- [Exception when using inheritance with owned properties in the in-memory database](
- [Ternary operator with DateTimes in select gives ArgumentException](
- [Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception when using NET Topology Suite in Select projection](
- [Provider specific plugin method translator never gets called for indexer property](
- Model building
- [Mapping exception with property called FooId on base type Foo in TPT](
- [Foreign keys are removed from owned tables when excludedFromMigrations set to true](
- [Exception in TPT models with default values](
- [Default schema has no effect on views in EF Core 5.0](
- [The entity type is part of a relationship cycle involving its primary key](
- [StackOverflowException when using same collection navigation twice](
- [StackOverflowException with EFCore 5 many-to-many mapping using many-to-one via self](
- DbContext
- [Events aren't reset when pooled context is reset asynchronously](
- Scaffolding
- [The string argument 'name' cannot be empty when scaffolding a SQLite database](
- [System.ArgumentException: The collection argument 'propertyNames' must contain at least one element](
- [Collations aren't scaffolded correctly](
- SaveChanges
- [SaveChanges fails for SQL Server because of savepoints are not supported when MultipleActiveResultSets is enabled](
- Migrations
- [SQL generated for migrations is incorrect when DbContext has TVF mapped using DbFunctionAttribute](
- [SQLite Spatial Migrations: Columns with Z and M created incorrectly](
##### Microsoft.Data.Sqlite 5.0.1
- [Starting with Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core 5.0.0 it is no longer possible to set cipher key options](
### [`v5.0.0`]( EF Core 5.0.0
EF Core 5.0 is [available on NuGet now!](
- Issues [fixed for EF Core 5.0.0](
Among the new features for EF Core 5.0 are:
- [Many-to-many relationships](
- [Map entity types to queries](
- [Event counters](
- [Property bags](
- [SaveChanges interception and events](
- [Exclude tables from migrations](
- [Required 1:1 dependents](
- [Optio
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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v7.0.13`]( .NET 7.0.13 [Release]( ### [`v7.0.12`]( EF Core 7.0.12 This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.11. ### [`v7.0.11`]( EF Core 7.0.11 This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.10. ### [`v7.0.10`]( EF Core 7.0.10 EF Core 7.0.10 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Scaffolding synapse fails when attempting to enumerate triggers]( - [Silent data loss when adding objects to an sqlite DB with PRAGMA journal_mode=DELETE in a multi-threaded environment.]( ### [`v7.0.9`]( EF Core 7.0.9 EF Core 7.0.9 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Error "Index was outside the bounds of the array." when reading from dataset without AsNoTracking()]( ### [`v7.0.8`]( EF Core 7.0.8 This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.7. ### [`v7.0.7`]( EF Core 7.0.7 EF Core 7.0.7 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes]( - [IndexOutOfRangeException in CreateNavigationExpansionExpression]( - [Linq select cannot project an entity containing both Json columns and ICollections]( - [Json: updating property with conversion from string to other type fails on sql server]( - [Duplicate table alias in generated select query (An item with the same key has already been added)]( - [InvalidOperationException when calling ExecuteUpdate with owned entity & using current value]( - [Query/Json: projecting entity collection along with json collection generates invalid shaper]( - [AutoInclude causes ExecuteDelete to fail]( - [Multiple LeftJoins (GroupJoins) lead to GroupJoin Exception when the same where is used twice]( - [SaveChanges circular dependency in unique unfiltered index (when change doesn't affect any column from unique index).]( ### [`v7.0.5`]( EF Core 7.0.5 EF Core 7.0.5 is [available on NuGet now]( This is a patch release of EF Core 7 containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Can't add migration renaming a column on TPC root]( - [Scaffolded collection navigation properties do not have setters]( - [EF7 generating incorrect SQL for the Concat/Union All]( - [Added nullable property to Json mapped model resulting in errors instead of mapping non existing json property to null]( ### [`v7.0.4`]( EF Core 7.0.4 This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Exception replacing multi-level relationship in EF7]( - [Deletion can cause error "The association between entity types A and B has been severed..."]( - [Non-empty second migration in TPC scheme using inheritance]( - [Entity Framework Core 7 keeps creating the same migration for Nullable DateTime field]( - [TPC mapping strategy not respecting default database schema during migration]( - [Count after Take throws "No column name was specified for column 1 of 't'."]( And for [Microsoft.Data.Sqlite]( - [ArgumentOutOfRangeException in SqliteConnectionFactory.PruneCallback]( ### [`v7.0.3`]( EF Core 7.0.3 This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Add-Migration fails with "An item with the same key has already been added" when renaming entity]( - [ExecuteUpdate fails when target entity has an owned entity]( - [EF Core 7 Rev eng: Missing HasForeignKey when referencing a navigation property with a unique constraint with DataAnnotations on]( - [Change in behaviour of CSharpHelper.Identifier(string name)]( - [NullReferenceException scaffolding when no primary key set]( - [Idempotent migration script not working on EFCore7.0 for AlterColumn when nullable changed from true to false]( - [6.0.11 to 7.0.0: \[...\] are both mapped to column \[..\] but are configured to use differing provider types ('double' and 'double?').']( - [Generated Model Snapshot throws InvalidOperationException]( - [SQL Server bulk insert broken when new command applies pending commands and goes over the batch parameter limit]( - [Invalid singularization when scaffolding a manytomany table]( - [In EF7, SqLite unable to load spatialite using the NetTopologySuite Package]( - [Cannot access property through interface in ExecuteUpdate setter lambda]( - [DbContext scaffold missing IndexerProperty for M2M relation after moving to EF Core 7]( - [Performance regression in model building in Entity Framework Core 7]( - [Mixing sproc and non-sproc commands in the same batch may fail with a NullReferenceException]( - [Condition's order will cause different result when using .Contains() to search string cross varchar and nvarchar columns]( - [SaveChanges circular dependency in unique unfiltered index]( - [QueryTrackingBehavior resets to TrackAll when using DbContext pooling]( - [EFCore 7.0.0 - Graph of entity insertion throws a FK exception]( - [Replacing PK to PK TPH dependent with different type fails]( - [dotnet ef migrations add freezes]( - [InvalidOperationException when mapping properties of different types to the same column]( - [Obsoletion message for AutoTransactionsEnabled is wrong]( - [Incorrect NullReferenceException for parameter in split query with GroupBy]( ### [`v7.0.2`]( EF Core 7.0.2 (EF7) This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only [important bug fixes]( - [Exception when inserting multiple rows into the same table on SQL Server]( ### [`v7.0.1`]( EF Core 7.0.1 (EF7) This is a [patch release of EF Core 7.0]( containing only updates to dependencies. There are no additional fixes in this release beyond those already shipped in EF Core 7.0.1. ### [`v7.0.0`]( EF Core 7.0 (EF7) EF Core 7.0 GA (commonly referred to as EF7) is now available from [NuGet]( See [What's New in EF7]( for a detailed look at all the new features in EF7. In summary, the following new features are included in EF7: - [Make basic EF scenarios work under aggressive trimming]( - [Entity splitting support]( - [Support for GroupBy entityType]( - [Support GroupJoin when it is final query operator]( - [ExecuteUpdate: Add SetProperty overload that accepts a value directly (no lambda)]( - [Support sproc input/output parameters on non-concurrency-token properties]( - [Implement TagWith for ExecuteUpdate and DeleteUpdate]( - [ExecuteDelete for owner when only its owned types are sharing the same table]( - [Stop scaffolding DbSet initialization to null!]( - [CSharpHelper: support more types of collection literals]( - [Map JSON values stored in database to EF properties]( - [ExecuteUpdate/Delete (AKA bulk update, without loading data into memory)]( - [Code templates for scaffolding entity types and DbContext from an existing database]( - [Support raw SQL Queries for basic types like Guid, DateTime and int]( - [Allow applications to create model building conventions (aka public conventions)]( - [Cosmos: Support AAD RBAC via the ClientSecretCredential]( - [Map inserts, updates, and deletes (CUD operations) to stored procedures]( - [Add a static flag in EF that will be set when code is being executed for design-time discover]( - [Support sequence key generation on SQL Server, which is useful for Table-per-concrete-type (TPC) mapping]( - [Allow null connection string to be passed to UseProvider methods]( - [Downgrade the ContextInitialized event from Information to Debug]( - [Get an EntityEntryConfiguration
📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.
â™» Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.