JoshShangTsung / HB-Shadow

HBShadow Developement
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Bugs List from my older files #9

Open JoshShangTsung opened 10 years ago

JoshShangTsung commented 10 years ago

BUgs list:

1) bag items scramble when changing maps

2) BS/Shop item lvl/str item is women txt is to low need to be moved up

3)MR manual Does nothing* keeps MR at 3% should go to 20%

4) no magic manual

5)spells some not buyable spells (not ingame) should either be mad/removed

6) Spawn rate on minig rocks and monsters need to be increased

7)make skills 40% when book is read (except magic book mining manu alchemy poisonresist and pretend corpse) or increase Skill% time to build up faster

8)add / who /fps /bigitems (or make a options menu in F12) to player commands (add /online showing online players to GMs)

9)City hall exit need to do it a couple times (make it once cause its a map data problem i think)

10)increase regen rates (sp mp hp) they regen to slow and to low

11) cut EXP by alot off of what it is now its way to high (max lvl 200 atm im thinking dif server configs?)

12) Spawn indicator on minimaps needs fixed/removed (perfered fix)

13) add in 1 demon to roam PL as a random spawn)

14) need to add Pits to PL (there is only cyc pit in the center)

15) SOTG manual in EK trade gives book but when eaten the Magic doesnt show up in the Page 10 area (adding new spells later like COTGs FoT HellFire maybe new ones not used? would bring more mage hunting into game)

Pits locations and what should go where*

PromiseLand 63 181 trolls

87 210 skellis

169 203 Zombies

205 153 Stone golems

48 146 giant frogs

154 74 giant frogs

50 80 trolls

197 109 Clay golem

212 187 helhounds

179 54 helhounds

148 39 skellies

48 33 orcs

1 random demon in PL

Noob Dungeon

103 96 Mining rock 104 95 mining rock 101 182 mining rock

118 97 Clay golems 92 84 Stone golems

137 139 Giant scorp 79 24 giant scorp

132 46 orcs 103 154 orcs 162 28 helhounds 130 187 helhounds

Dungeon lvl 2

53 44 Stone golem

133 66 skellies

(remove random tp near 160 85)

219 464 Cyclops 115 300 Cyclops

437 343 Helhound

410 238 claygolem 328 464 stonegolem

180 177 Liches (only 3 or 4)

168 242 helhounds

154 400 Clay golems

138 422 helhounds

More Pits later*