JoshThinh / JoshThinh2025

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Student Skill Checklists #3

Open JoshThinh opened 1 week ago

JoshThinh commented 1 week ago

Grading Overview

All self and peer grading must be completed prior to Teacher review date(s). Ensure there is a direct link to the tangible(s) for each line item.

Sprint 1 Key Objectives

During the sprint, you need to complete all key objectives and find supporting hacks that demonstrate the level of command you are declaring.

Rank to Ratio (Rank is an integer)

Skill Grading Table

Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace [ ] 0 0.0 Verification by Linux commands notebook
VSCode [ ] 0 0.0 Live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug
Show VSCode GitLens [ ] 0 0.0 Verify commits, show changes, comments, reset to commit, run old commit
GitHub student_2025 repo [ ] 0 0.0 Create template, push changes, verify ID, review analytics
GitHub Pages Actions [ ] 0 0.0 Review runs and verify runtime, receive demo
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play [ ] 0 0.0 Hacks
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground [ ] 0 0.0 Hacks
Hacks SASS Basics [ ] 0 0.0 Hacks
Hacks Frontend [ ] 0 0.0 Hacks
Pair Programming [ ] 0 0.0 Tangibles that show cooperative work
Total 0.0
Average 0.0

Learning Habits Table

Review criteria in habits. In this review, pairs should rate each other based on their experience with the person on the line item.

Rank to Ratio (Rank is an integer)

Learning Habits Grading Table

Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Attendance [ ] 0 0.0
Work Habits [ ] 0 0.0
Behavior [ ] 0 0.0
Timeliness [ ] 0 0.0
Tech Sense [ ] 0 0.0
Tech Talk [ ] 0 0.0
Tech Growth [ ] 0 0.0
Advocacy [ ] 0 0.0
Comm & Collab [ ] 0 0.0
Integrity [ ] 0 0.0
Organized [ ] 0 0.0
Total 0.0
Average 0.0
JoshThinh commented 1 week ago

Student Skills Checklist

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace

Rank: 0 Notes: verification by Linux commands notebook VSCode

Rank: 0 Notes: live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug Show VSCode GitLens

Rank: 0 Notes: verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit GitHub cloud repo

Rank: 0 Notes: live push change, verify id, review profile GitHub Pages Actions

Rank: 0 Notes: review runs and verify runtime, receive demo Hacks Tools & Equipment Play

Rank: 0 Notes: Hacks GitHub Pages Playground

Rank: 0 Notes: Hacks SASS Basics

Rank: 0 Notes: Hacks Jupyter Notebook

Rank: 0 Notes: Pair Programming

Rank: 0 Notes: tangibles that show co-operative work

JoshThinh commented 1 week ago

Grader Skills Worksheet


Rank: 0 Notes: Work Habits

Rank: 0 Notes: Behavior

Rank: 0 Notes: Timeliness

Rank: 0 Notes: Tech Sense

Rank: 0 Notes: Tech Talk

Rank: 0 Notes: Tech Growth

Rank: 0 Notes: Advocacy

Rank: 0 Notes: Comm & Collab

Rank: 0 Notes: Integrity

Rank: 0 Notes: Organized

Rank: 0 Notes:

SrinivasNampalli commented 1 week ago

Student Skills Checklist

Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace

Rank: 4 Notes: verification by Linux commands notebook VSCode

Rank: 4 Notes: live change code, commit, make, run localhost, test, debug Show VSCode GitLens

Rank: 4 Notes: verify commits, show change, comments, reset to commit, run on old commit GitHub cloud repo

Rank: 4 Notes: live push change, verify id, review profile GitHub Pages Actions

Rank: 3 Notes: review runs and verify runtime, receive demo Hacks Tools & Equipment Play

Rank: 3 Notes: Hacks GitHub Pages Playground

Rank: 3.5 Notes: Hacks SASS Basics

Rank: 4 Notes: Hacks Jupyter Notebook

Rank: 4.0/5.0 Notes: Pair Programming

Rank: 0 Notes: tangibles that show co-operative work

Notes: Liked the moving background and functionality Very in-depth hacks with use of skills required most of the work CSA done Password Finder Game was nice Cons- Needs more information and proof of communication with partner since they are much more different then expected.

Th35py27 commented 1 week ago

Laptop Verification Rank: 4 ration: 0.9 Notes:

VSCode Rank: 4 ration: 0.9 Notes:

Show VSCode GitLens Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

GitHub Cloud Repo Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

GitHub Pages Actions Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

Hacks Tools & Equipment Play Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

Hacks GitHub Pages Playground Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

Hacks SASS Basics Rank: 4 Ration:0.9 Notes:

Hacks Jupyter Notebook Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes:

Pair Programming Rank: 4 Ration: 0.9 Notes: S

Website looks very pleasing, I would visit this everytime. When it comes to vscode, all the programs are necessary. While it is hard to find any cons, the main problem is the font.

dylangarrettschool99 commented 1 week ago

positive: like the theme you went with and the backgroudn image you chose changes: I wish you used a different font as the one you decided to go with is very blocky and the letters can be hard to tell apart at times

Trystan-Schmits commented 1 week ago

Positive: The theme looks great, I love the header and the car that moves around the page. Negative: The webpage may be too vibrant to look at for long periods of time. But overall its a solid website.

SlothInTheHat commented 1 week ago


I really liked the custom gif on your home page and the car that flew around and was interactive I also really liked how you made the password guessing game, that was creative!

Things you could work on: You could change the fonts on the page because the bright colors make it difficult to look at for long periods of time. THere is also a lack of contrast that could be fixed.

One other thing you could improve is having a clear way that you show off your tool verifications

Overall I really liked how went above and beyond and made a 2 player game

DavidL0914 commented 1 week ago

Rank to Ratio (Rank is an integer)

Skill Grading Table

Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Laptop Verification or Cloud Workspace [Y ] 4 0.9 Ran all proper version numbers in terminal to demonstrate tools working with correct version
VSCode [Y ] 4 0.9 Site is committed and up to date, local server runs using make without error
Show VSCode GitLens [Y ] 4 0.88 Knows how to reset commits and run old commit on a separate branch and see version history
GitHub student_2025 repo [Y ] 4 0.9 Used student_2025 template, actively pushes changes with lots of commits, overall pretty good analytics
GitHub Pages Actions [ Y] 4 0.9 Runtime is proper, pushed local changes onto Github and page updated
Hacks Tools & Equipment Play [Y ] 4 0.9 Has all proper hacks for tools to prove they are properly installed and working as they should
Hacks GitHub Pages Playground [Y ] 4 0.92 SASS is majorly updated. Uses Cayman theme, has a retro theme consistent throughout site, has some cool designs using SASS
Hacks SASS Basics [ Y] 4 0.92 Site is updated using SASS to look different with cool themes and designs. Knows how to use SASS file and understands structuring of site
Hacks Frontend [Y ] 4 0.9 Frontend of site looks very good. I like the Retro theme. About Me looks pretty cool with some nice designs.
Pair Programming [Y ] 4 0.88 Cooperative work with partner (David, me) and shows cooperation but since David joined the class late not everything is similar
Total 9
Average 0.9

Learning Habits Grading Table

Skill Mastered (Y/N) Rank (1-4) Ratio Notes
Attendance [Y ] 4 0.88 Always on time to class but absent for 3 days
Work Habits [Y ] 4+ 0.95 Always focused on work and coding, constantly asking questions and communicating during class
Behavior [Y ] 4 0.9 Good behavior demonstrating wanting to learn more coding
Timeliness [Y ] 4 0.88 Most things finished before due date and on time
Tech Sense [Y ] 4 0.88 Understands most technical lessons and tools discussed in class
Tech Talk [Y ] 3 0.86 Is not the best at explaining technical information but can do it
Tech Growth [Y ] 4+ 0.95 Very eager to learn more coding and when he does, he remembers it well and applies it properly
Advocacy [Y ] 4 0.90 Good partner that communicates
Comm & Collab [Y ] 4+ 0.95 Often talks to me (partner) and group to communicate ideas and progress. Asks questions when needed.
Integrity [Y ] 4 0.9 Demonstrates integrity and responsibility
Organized [Y ] 4 0.9 Organizes work pretty well, site is easy to navigate
Total 9.95
Average 90.45
jm1021 commented 1 week ago

Good interactions and game adaptions. Text based games need a center of focus. But great above .9 for sure.