JoshVarga / EmbroideryMobile

MIT License
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No Source? #1

Open tatarize opened 2 years ago

tatarize commented 2 years ago

I assumed this would be the old mobile viewer but it seems to lack the source code like the other copies. I expected one to have the original somewhere.

JoshVarga commented 2 years ago

I copied this from Embroidermodder when it got deleted. I believe I have an old copy lying around. Do you happen to still have a copy?

tatarize commented 2 years ago

I have a very old copy, nothing modern enough.

I had a hard drive crash and trying to recover an open-source project that was online was not a big priority.

I needed to check Fabrio's great fancy view code, and I ended up needing to use a wayback machine to check the now gone PR/Issue where I posted the code. I somewhat expected the project to have been transferred out of the Embroidermodder group if it didn't seem to fit the regular need since the commits and issues are also somewhat of importance.

No I don't have, nor did I find any copies among my files.

@fabricocouto any chance you have a backup copy of this source code?

fabricocouto commented 2 years ago

I don't have the android code, but I have the old libembroidery code