Joshua-Riek / ubuntu-rockchip

Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.86k stars 203 forks source link

Blender 4.0.2 Segmentation Fault #823

Open khanumballz opened 1 month ago

khanumballz commented 1 month ago

Ubuntu 24.04 Rockchip running on Orange Pi 5 Plus, from this repository

khan@khan-desktop:~$ blender
Writing: /tmp/blender.crash.txt
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
khan@khan-desktop:~$ cat /tmp/blender.crash.txt
# Blender 4.0.2, Unknown revision

# backtrace
blender(+0xa21c20) [0xaaaabb1a1c20]
blender(+0x7084f4) [0xaaaabae884f4] [0xffff7fefe7ec]
blender(+0xaa5634) [0xaaaabb225634]
blender(+0xa76760) [0xaaaabb1f6760]
blender(+0xa783dc) [0xaaaabb1f83dc]
blender(+0xa8dd28) [0xaaaabb20dd28]
blender(+0x6ad998) [0xaaaabae2d998]
/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xffff7a2d84c4]
/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ [0xffff7a2d8598]
blender(+0x6f86b0) [0xaaaabae786b0]

# Python backtrace

Won't run blender. 4k video cannot play. 1080p video is extremely choppy. But aside from that, it's a smooth desktop experience. Well done!

PhilZProg commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same problem.

khanumballz commented 1 month ago

Current workaround:

  1. Use Ubuntu Rockchip 22.04 only.
  2. Download BoxBuddy (flatpak) and Distrobox
  3. Install Ubuntu 18.04-docker
  4. Install blender on dockerized ubuntu 18.
  5. Install virgl-server on host machine.
  6. Install blender 2.79 on boxbuddy-ubuntu 18 (sudo apt install blender will do)
  7. Now run: virgl_test_server & on host machine (or tmux > virgl_test_server)
  8. And then in dockerized ubuntu 18 run GALLIUM_DRIVER=virpipe blender

You can then use Blender 2.79 with hardware acceleration. (About 5x more FPS)

Probably won't work with any newer version of blender. Cause of problem = Lack of Vulkan support on mali g610 drivers. Not sure if this will close this issue, or not.

PhilZProg commented 1 month ago

Oh, I'm using 24.04. But still thank you for the workaround.