JoshuaBThompson / WristBand

WristBand Music Device
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Fix corrupted data on dwm1000 distance devices #16

Closed JoshuaBThompson closed 8 years ago

JoshuaBThompson commented 9 years ago

Integrated the chips with the new pcb boards and tested with some test code from github. Connectivity over spi communication bus test worked. But, when configuring one device as a sender and the other device as a receiver, the receiver would only receive corrupted data and at a very slow pace (about once every 1 - 3 minutes) or sometimes not receive any data at all. Looking at the code the error is caught when a device clock anomaly is detected. According to some comments from another user on github they are experiencing a similar issue. The maintainer of the github codebase responded to the issue by saying it might be a hardware configuration problem. So, in other words I might of fried one of the boards when soldering or accidentally reversing polarity of the power lines (which I think I might have done once ...)

Things to do to resolve:

JoshuaBThompson commented 9 years ago

purchased new equipment. Should be here in 7 days.

JoshuaBThompson commented 8 years ago

closing since delaying this feature for a while