JoshuaBonn1 / MuseScore

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text entry dock might make sense to display vertically or dock elsewhere when the bottom dock is already tall #10

Closed ericfont closed 7 years ago

ericfont commented 7 years ago

looking at I notice that thanks to fix for #1, we now have a bit of a problem with the text entry toolbar taking up too much space (and just looks a little ugly):

screenshot at 2017-08-07 23-04-44

I still stand by the need for that fix and think we should keep it. However, there is a question of whether there is a better way to present the text control toolbar when we have the presence of the timeline docked. Maybe the text toolbar could be laid out vertically instead of horizontally, that way it doesn't take up so much horizontal space. Or maybe we can have the text entry toolbar be docked somewhere else, such as the top of musescore? I don't know. Maybe we should ask lasconic.

JoshuaBonn1 commented 7 years ago

For now, I will make the adjustment that I did for the texttool for #11. These are relatively small edits, so reverting them would not be a problem

JoshuaBonn1 commented 7 years ago

As mentioned in #11, the piano keyboard has the same issue as #1 which the fix is displayed above. So, the piano keyboard, drum entry, and text tools should all be taken into consideration with this change

ericfont commented 7 years ago

ok. I made an possible change idea #13 as a way to help coexistance.

lasconic commented 7 years ago

Maybe have a look to

ericfont commented 7 years ago

Taking a look at that link, I see

"The orientation specifies how the space is divided: A Qt::Horizontal split places the second dock widget to the right of the first; a Qt::Vertical split places the second dock widget below the first."

I'm thinking using a Qt::Vertical split would make best use of space for this case.

JoshuaBonn1 commented 7 years ago

Well, using splitDockWidget to make a vertical split works (which looks very good), however it is still possible to undock it and put it on the side, leading to the same problem as before. There are also abilities to stack all of them (I'd rather not allow that functionallity for texttools/drumtools and the timeline; I'd rather just have pianotool and timeline tabify). I've looked up things for making it not possible and all I've found have been QMainWindow options for all dock widgets--definitely not a good idea.

ericfont commented 7 years ago

I'd say it is "ok" if someone undocks one and deliberately places them side by side...if the user wants that then fine. Mainly what I care about here is the default behavior, so I would say have the default behavior be to split dock widget vertically if the user has timeline or text toolbar already up and brings up the other.

lasconic commented 7 years ago

I agree with @ericfont

JoshuaBonn1 commented 7 years ago

Applied vertical split for timeline and drumtools/texttools. Any issues with this, make a new issue.