JoshuaCarroll / Raspberry-Pi-Weather-Station-Dashboard

Raspberry Pi Weather Station Dashboard (php/bash)
MIT License
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WU Dew point calculation and upload #43

Closed Mohoganogan closed 8 years ago

Mohoganogan commented 8 years ago

Could you make the wunderground.php calculate dewpoint and upload it? If you are interested in a simpler calculation that gives an approximation of dew point temperature if you know the observed temperature and relative humidity, the following formula was proposed in a 2005 article by Mark G. Lawrence in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society: Td = T - ((100 - RH)/5.) where Td is dew point temperature (in degrees Celsius), T is observed temperature (in degrees Celsius), and RH is relative humidity (in percent). Apparently this relationship is fairly accurate for relative humidity values above 50%.

JoshuaCarroll commented 8 years ago

Not sure this is running. Need to add a debug mode to wunderground-api to be able to see the output.

JoshuaCarroll commented 8 years ago

This is working. Will open another ticket for next cycle to have this data added to dashboard.