JoshuaDick / CalorieMinder

App for tracking caloric intake and micronutrient information
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BMI/BMR Calculator #6

Closed CaleStringfellow closed 3 months ago

CaleStringfellow commented 3 months ago

This will take the user's weight, height, and age and use this information to calculate the user's current BMI and BMR. It will also display these numbers to the user.

BRYC33 commented 3 months ago


using namespace std;

// Function to calculate BMI double calculateBMI(double weight, double height) { double height_m = height / 100.0; // Convert height to meters return weight / (height_m * height_m); }

// Function to calculate BMR for men double calculateBMRMen(double weight, double height, int age) { return 88.362 + (13.397 weight) + (4.799 height) - (5.677 * age); }

// Function to calculate BMR for women double calculateBMRWomen(double weight, double height, int age) { return 447.593 + (9.247 weight) + (3.098 height) - (4.330 * age); }

int main() { double weight, height; int age; char gender;

// Prompt user for input
cout << "Enter your weight in kilograms: ";
cin >> weight; 

cout << "Enter your height in centimeters: ";
cin >> height;

cout << "Enter your age in years: ";
cin >> age;

cout << "Enter your gender (M/F): ";
cin >> gender;

double bmr;

// Calculate BMI
double bmi = calculateBMI(weight, height);
cout << "Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is: " << bmi << endl;

// Calculate BMR based on gender
if (gender == 'M' || gender == 'm') {
    bmr = calculateBMRMen(weight, height, age);
    cout << "Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) for men is: " << bmr << " calories per day." << endl;
} else if (gender == 'F' || gender == 'f') {
    bmr = calculateBMRWomen(weight, height, age);
    cout << "Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) for women is: " << bmr << " calories per day." << endl;
} else {
    cout << "Invalid gender entered. Please enter 'M' or 'F'." << endl;

return 0;
