JoshuaKGoldberg / TSLint.MSBuild

[Deprecated] An MSBuild task for running TSLint.
MIT License
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switch between warnings and errors with TreatWarningsAsErrors #63

Closed lsvhome closed 7 years ago

lsvhome commented 7 years ago

switch between warnings and errors with TreatWarningsAsErrors property variable

  1. Prefer use "$(ProjectDir)node_modules.bin\tslint.cmd" (in case it exists. It may be installed with 'npm install tslint') instead "node.exe tslint-cli.js" (use same node and tslint version as used within project).
  2. Used "--format pmd" with parser instead "--format msbuild"
  3. Property "TreatWarningsAsErrors" (true|false) used as switch warn as errors or warnings
JoshuaKGoldberg commented 7 years ago

Oh, and you'll need to resolve conflicts.