JoshuaKGoldberg / TypeStat

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Rearchitecture: Type-Focused Fixers #1000

Open JoshuaKGoldberg opened 3 years ago

JoshuaKGoldberg commented 3 years ago


I'm finding TypeStat to be suffering under its own code bloat for two major reasons:


I'd like to take roughly the following rearchitecture approach:

  1. Gather, for each existing and proposed fixer: what are its searching, node, and type needs?
  2. Searching: determine a set of common operations to be implemented as shared helpers
  3. Nodes and types: determine a set of common operations that a fixer would want, to be returned by fixers
  4. ~Convert fixers to using ts-simple-type, thereby removing the need for an "exposed" TypeScript 🎉~ No longer necessary not that isAssignableTo is public!
  5. Have the underlying infrastructure beneath fixers receive those operations and process them into text modifications

Abstracting fixers into common operations instead of keying them into their own text printing comes with a couple of key advantages:

This issue replaces the more specific #124. Long term, I'd like to turn this into some kind of monorepo where the shared helpers can be exported as a standalone package for the community. That'll be a followup issue.

JoshuaKGoldberg commented 3 years ago

Core Fixers

A summary of all the resultant operations that exist today in core fixers...




Sourced entirely from TypeScript's language server suggestions


Sourced entirely from TypeScript's language server suggestions



Type Operations

Given the above, these are all the unique operations I can think of.


These already exist:


These seem like ones that are likely to be needed eventually:

JoshuaKGoldberg commented 3 years ago

Core Searches



  1. Find all the "instantiations" where the class is instantiated
  2. For each instantiation, get each template type's generic types
  3. Combine each list of generic types into one combined type per potential generic
  4. Check each existing template type for having missing types against its combined type
  5. Fill in any missing generic types, if there were any


  1. Get the backing type of the variable's initializer
  2. Make sure the type has at least one type parameter
  3. Accumulate type parameter names with member functions that use them
  4. Find all places where the node is either assigned a known type or calls one of those accumulated member functions
  5. Match the known type assignments and member function calls with generic types
  6. Accumulate those generic types into a single array of types for the node
  7. Fill in any missing generic types, if there were any


  1. Find all references to the original interface or type literal
  2. For each found reference, find all of its references
  3. For each reference to a reference, find out what node it holds under each generic on the original interface or type literal
  4. For each of those nodes, get its assigned type (or undefined if nothing)
  5. Join the types under each original type parameter
  6. Expand any usage types that were incomplete, if any


  1. Find all references to the function
  2. For each reference, if it's a call, get the type provided for the parameter at that call
  3. Add in a type from default initializer for the node, if it exists
  4. Collect the types initially declared on the parameter
  5. Compare all the calling and initializer types against the declared type
  6. If the type is lacking:
    • If the parameter already has a type, expand it
    • Otherwise, create a new one for it


  1. Grab the initial value value of the property
  2. If the property isn't readonly, find all references to it
  3. For each reference, check if it's an = assignment referring to the same original class
  4. If it is, find the type being assigned
  5. Compare all the assigned and initializer types against the declared type
    • If the property already has a type, expand it
    • Otherwise, create a new one for it


  1. Grab the interface or type literal that declares a component's props type
  2. For each named property on that type not yet seen that's still within the component itself:
    1. If it's an expression, such as a variable, recurse on the references to that variable itself
    2. Mark its type based on its usage:
      • If it's a JSX attribute value, get that attribute's type
      • If it's being passed to a function as an argument, get the corresponding parameter type
    3. Expand the original prop type using the new types


  1. Grab the interface or type literal that declares a component's props type
  2. For each named property on that type inside a JSX element:
    1. Mark the type of its usage
    2. Expand the original prop type using the new types


  1. Grab the interface or type literal that declares a component's props type
  2. For each named property on that type:
    1. Find all references to that type
    2. For each reference that is a function call:
      • If the return value is being used, mark it
      • If arguments are being passed, mark them as parameter types
    3. Expand the original the original type using the new types


  1. Grab the propTypes declaration for a component, if it exists and an existing TypeScript generic doesn't
  2. For each prop on propTypes, create an equivalent TypeScript type
  3. Generate a new interface or type alias with all those props


  1. Collect the type initially declared or inferred as returned
  2. Collect all the nodes within the function that return a value within it
  3. Create a type addition mutation if those types introduce new type information


  1. Collect the type(s) initially declared and/or inferred from an initializer
  2. For each reference to the variable, if it's not readonly:
    1. Ignore it unless it's a binary expression assigning to the variable
    2. Grab the type being assigned to the variable
  3. Compare all the assigned and initializer types against the declared type
    • If the variable already has a type, expand it
    • Otherwise, create a new one for it



  1. For each property access expression:
  2. If TypeScript would suggest a missing property:
    1. Grab the mutation for that node
    2. Check if a suggested property already has been declared under that name, or that name already has a type on the class
    3. Add it to a list of missing property suggestions


The standard getNoImplicitAnyMutations:

  1. Makes sure the node isn't a parameter that already has a type
  2. Retrieves a --noImplicitAny codefix if possible
  3. Converts that codefix to our format


Uses the standard getNoImplicitAnyMutations


Uses the standard getNoImplicitAnyMutations


Uses the standard getNoImplicitAnyMutations


The standard getNoImplicitThisMutations:

  1. Makes sure the node isn't a parameter that already has a type
  2. Retrieves a --noImplicitThis codefix if possible
  3. Converts that codefix to our format


Uses the standard getNoImplicitAnyMutations



  1. Gets the type declared on a parameter
  2. Gets the type from a node's initializer, if it exists
  3. Determines whether the initializer type is equivalent to the declared type:
    • If it's a literal or regexp, check that literal kind
    • If it's a complex type, check that they're assignable to each other (and not a non-union type and union type, respectively)
  4. If so, remove the declaration


Basically the same as fixNoInferableTypesParameters


Basically the same as fixNoInferableTypesParameters



  1. Grab the types of the declared and assigned nodes
  2. If the assigned type contains a strict flag and the declaed type doesn't:
  3. Add a !


  1. Collect the declared type of the function-like being called
  2. For each visitable parameter (minimum of the number of declared parameters and number of real arguments):
    1. Grab the type of the argument
    2. If the arugment is missing a nullable type, mark a mutation to add a !:
      • If the argument is a variable declared in the parent function, add the ! to the variable
      • Otherwise, add it at the calling site's argument


  1. Get the object type the node's properties are being assigned into
  2. For each of those properties:
    1. Check if the property has a nullable value being passed into a declared, non-nullable type
    2. If so, create a non null assertion mutation


  1. Get the type of the expression being accessed
  2. If the expression can be null or undefined, add a ! before the access


  1. Collect the type initially declared as returned
  2. For each returning node in the function:
    1. If the return returns a missing nully value, give it a !

Accumulated Search Operations

Deduplication Notes: Finding All References / Types

React components inside fixIncompleteTypes have a lot of searching logic that ends up only looking at JSX attributes. This should be generalized but it would be difficult to make a general non-React function understand JSX usage. Perhaps adding in harded "oh this seems like a JSX/React component" logic would be enough?