JoshuaKomala / guodaddy

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Milestone 7 Feedback #6

Open nhasjim opened 7 years ago

christywong commented 7 years ago

Team A7 - ACME


I think this is a good start! I wish you could include some more interactivity with the pictures or maybe shuffle them around in different orders. The interface is pretty much all a map. Will there be navigation? Do users have their own profile? Will user’s be able to share stuff?


I like the idea of the app and to complete your core map functionality, I would like to see a filtering ability or search bar function since I think it would definitely make it easier for users to search through the photos (even just being able to search through tags from flickr would be helpful).


It looks like you've made significant progress in your core map functionality! To complete it, I would like to see a way to explore photos separate from the map. Maybe have an explore page similar to instagram that displays a photo and have a button that takes users to its location on the map so users can find similar photos/albums nearby. Or have a search functions that allows searches using location or other tags.

tiffallen commented 7 years ago

Our Team Name: A6 - Strawberry Jam Feedback for team A2 Github: joshuakomala/guodaddy

Jimmy: I like the idea of the app being able to show to visitors cool locations of where they can take nice pictures. One feature I would like to see in the future is the ability for users to rate the pictures on the map by upvoting or using the star system as well and maybe also the possibility for users to comment about the pictures and the location of it. Another thing that could help would be suggesting times of day that is best to take pictures at the specific location since some places look nicer during night while other look better in a sunny day. Also it be nice if the flickr photos that are shown changed when you refresh kinda the same way that the “Explore” page on instagram changes, this is just in case the user doesn’t like the current pictures he/she is seeing.

Jason: I think it’s really cool how you are able to pull images from Flickr using their API and associate them with a location (I’m assuming based on image metadata?). One map/geo feature that would be nice to see is some sort of basic navigation system, so users can click on a pin that they are interested in visiting, and 1) see how easy it is to get there, and 2) actually navigate. Another feature that would be useful is a filter that allows you to filter based on photo/attraction types (i.e. if someone likes taking pictures of nature, or architecture, or art, etc...). Also it would be nice to have some sort of ranking/popularity system for the pictures to prioritize what shows up when a location is clicked.

Tiffany: I like how you are going to pull from Flickr to populate your map. I think that it would be a cool implementation idea to also let the users upload their own photos. How are you determining the “hot spot” popularity? Based on how many pictures are there? Or do users check into each location? One thing that would be cool would be the ability to rate locations or check into locations, so other users can see the popularity of different locations. Would there be an extension where users can see all the places that they have been to? Or is it restricted to be a view of all of the data from flickr that you pull (no local data to the user?) will there be filtering of the map (i imagine it will get pretty cluttered), maybe through the tags on flickr

Stephanie: I really like the idea of the overall goal behind this, especially since the demand of social media picture spots is high. I like that you guys are pulling in pictures from flickr, but if it isnt too hard, I think pulling in pictures from other areas would be cool tool! (Ex - instagram, facebook ect). Especially since different types of people use different types of websites, so it gives more diverse photos, for people to get a sense of what kind of pictures they can take there. Maybe for future map functions, having the flame get bigger as more people “check in” there would give people more of a visual idea of how popular the place is. Maybe people could also submit their own pictures to be included, which expands the pictures for the area, and motivating people to go there. Also maybe a “newsfeed” option where you can see where your friends have last “checked in” to would be cool, and you could see where people in your area are most going.