This is for the usage dataset, and is feature creep from our listed functionalities. However, since we didn't join the datasets at the age entry, it's a necessary one.
'Have access to the Internet at home', 'Use of a smart home devices in primary residence ', 'Have a smartphone for personal use', 'Have social networking accounts', 'Used or purchased video streaming services', 'Used government services online ', 'Shopped online' are the valid strings for serviceType.
This is for the usage dataset, and is feature creep from our listed functionalities. However, since we didn't join the datasets at the age entry, it's a necessary one.
'Have access to the Internet at home', 'Use of a smart home devices in primary residence ', 'Have a smartphone for personal use', 'Have social networking accounts', 'Used or purchased video streaming services', 'Used government services online ', 'Shopped online' are the valid strings for serviceType.