An Attempt at building at least some of C# corelib for EFI applications. Inspired by to see if this possible.
This has the same purpose as #15 and describes important missing features from the full corelib that rather than build up from system features are based on existing features in corelib.
[ ] Span. Requires Span.cs, ReadOnlySpan.cs, MemoryMarshal.cs and more complete versions of Unsafe.cs and Type.cs if not more.
[ ] Nullable.
[ ] Intrinsics/Vectors.
[ ] System.Math.
[ ] TimeZone. TimeZone.cs? TimeZoneInfo.cs?
[ ] Tuple. Tuple.cs and ValueTuple.cs?
[ ] Improved Primitive support
[ ] Collections: List, Array, IEnumerable and Foreach, ...
This has the same purpose as #15 and describes important missing features from the full corelib that rather than build up from system features are based on existing features in corelib.