Josiah / gulp-cachebust

Generates checksums and renames references to files, useful for cachebusting
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output map of hashed resources by original file name? #7

Closed kellyrmilligan closed 9 years ago

kellyrmilligan commented 9 years ago

I am in need of a gulp plugin like this, that outputs a json file to be used in a dynamic app like expressjs.

I can try and do it, but was wondering your thoughts, would it be particularly hard to just output a json file that has the original filename as the key and the hashed filename as the value? that way in something like express, you can just parse the json file and reference it in the template?

is there another gulp plugin to chain to do this?

kellyrmilligan commented 9 years ago

after some research, seems like gulp-rev is what i'm looking for. but would be a nice addition to this plugin as well.