Josverl / micropython-stubber

Generate and maintain stubs for different MicroPython ports to use with VSCode and Pylance, PyRight, Thonny, PyCharm or MyPy
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Add Bluetooth Library #13

Closed askpatrickw closed 4 years ago

askpatrickw commented 4 years ago

Is there any concern with adding bluetooth\ubluetooth to createstubs?

I'm happy to submit a PR, but I wanted to check that all is needed is to add it to the hardcoded list starting around line 80.

This would be my PR

Josverl commented 4 years ago

Hi Patrick , sorry for the tardiness yes that is one of the ways that should allow the stubs to be generated for the bluetooth module. another way is to uncomment & change one line in the script

    # stubber.add_modules(['xyz'])  TO 

for which firmware are you generating ? if it is a common firmware i'm happy to merge your PR

askpatrickw commented 4 years ago

Hi @Josverl sorry long in getting back to you, this was on MicroPython on a TinyPico (If I remember correctly) not a fork.

Josverl commented 4 years ago

Hi Patrick , I have updated the code and version 1.3.4 includes the stubbing of the Bluetooth module if it is included in the firmware.

i've ran the stubber on a nightly of the 1.13 build and you can pick up the bluetooth stub module on the micropython-stubs repo

Thanks for pointing this out.