Josverl / micropython-stubber

Generate and maintain stubs for different MicroPython ports to use with VSCode and Pylance, PyRight, Thonny, PyCharm or MyPy
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MPFlash list output doesn't fit a standard terminal #551

Closed scruss closed 5 months ago

scruss commented 5 months ago

Provide your feedback list output, though formatted, doesn't fit in a standard 80-column terminal

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Open a terminal with Linux system defaults (xterm, if it's installed, defaults to 80 columns
  2. Issue mpflash list
  3. See disappointing truncated results
mpflash list
Error: Failed to get mcu_info for /dev/ttyS0
Error: Failed to get mcu_info for /dev/ttyUSB0

                                               Connected boards                 
┃ Serial  ┃Family        ┃Port         ┃Board                               ┃CPU
│ ttyACM0 │circuitpython │Atmel SAMD21 │UNKNOWN_BOARD                       │sam
│         │              │             │Adafruit QT Py M0 with samd21e18    │   
│ ttyACM1 │micropython   │rp2          │RPI_PICO_W                          │RP2
│         │              │             │Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040     │   
│ ttyACM2 │micropython   │mimxrt       │ADAFRUIT_METRO_M7                   │MIM
│         │              │             │Adafruit Metro M7 with              │   
│         │              │             │MIMXRT1011DAE5A                     │   
│ ttyS0   │unknown       │             │                                    │   
│ ttyUSB0 │unknown       │             │                                    │   

Expected behaviour Be able to see all columnar output in the terminal. It looks like it's hard-coded to use something like 110 columns. The scanning code respects terminal width. This is an accessibility issue for me.

Hardware Info Host

MCU mpflash list --json output:

        "serialport": "/dev/ttyACM0",
        "firmware": {},
        "connected": true,
        "path": null,
        "family": "circuitpython",
        "description": "Adafruit QT Py M0 with samd21e18",
        "version": "7.2.5",
        "port": "Atmel SAMD21",
        "board": "UNKNOWN_BOARD",
        "cpu": "samd21e18",
        "arch": "",
        "mpy": "v5.2",
        "build": ""
        "serialport": "/dev/ttyACM1",
        "firmware": {},
        "connected": true,
        "path": null,
        "family": "micropython",
        "description": "Raspberry Pi Pico W with RP2040",
        "version": "1.21.0",
        "port": "rp2",
        "board": "RPI_PICO_W",
        "cpu": "RP2040",
        "arch": "armv6m",
        "mpy": "v6.1",
        "build": ""
        "serialport": "/dev/ttyACM2",
        "firmware": {},
        "connected": true,
        "path": null,
        "family": "micropython",
        "description": "Adafruit Metro M7 with MIMXRT1011DAE5A",
        "version": "1.21.0",
        "port": "mimxrt",
        "board": "ADAFRUIT_METRO_M7",
        "cpu": "MIMXRT1011DAE5A",
        "arch": "armv7emsp",
        "mpy": "v6.1",
        "build": ""
        "serialport": "/dev/ttyS0",
        "firmware": {},
        "connected": false,
        "path": null,
        "family": "unknown",
        "description": "",
        "version": "",
        "port": "",
        "board": "",
        "cpu": "",
        "arch": "",
        "mpy": "",
        "build": ""
        "serialport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
        "firmware": {},
        "connected": false,
        "path": null,
        "family": "unknown",
        "description": "",
        "version": "",
        "port": "",
        "board": "",
        "cpu": "",
        "arch": "",
        "mpy": "",
        "build": ""
Josverl commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. I've been trying to get the relevant info on screen with the rich Table interface but it has its own quirks when setting total and columns width. Ive indeed taken the simple approach to set the width to 110.

As this is an accessibility issue for you I will address this, but will likely need to drop, or abbreviate/ or fold some columns to fit to 80 characters.

Can you help by letting me know which of the columns are most relevant to you ?

  1. table.add_column("Serial", overflow="fold")
  2. table.add_column("Family")
  3. table.add_column("Port")
  4. table.add_column("Board", overflow="fold") # Board _ID and description on separate lines
  5. table.add_column("Variant") # TODO: not a current column
  6. table.add_column("CPU")
  7. table.add_column("Version")
  8. table.add_column("build", justify="right")

Also - is there anything I should take into account wrt to the colors ?

Josverl commented 5 months ago

I've been doing some testing with adjusting depending on the detected terminal width, would like your feedback on these

if the console.width < 100 :

this results in :

80 column list

┃Ser. ┃Fam.┃Port    ┃Board                            ┃CPU       ┃Version ┃Bld┃  
│COM27│cpy │nRF52840│UNKNOWN_BOARD                    │nRF52840  │v8.2.10 │   │  
│     │    │        │nice!nano with nRF52840          │          │        │   │  
│COM8 │upy │samd    │SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL               │SAMD51P19A│v1.23.0-│341│  
│     │    │        │Wio Terminal D51R with SAMD51P19A│          │preview │   │  

>= 100 char terminal

note that the table is still only 99 chars wide; this is driven by the length of the descriptions.

                                         Connected boards
┃Serial┃Family       ┃Port    ┃Board                            ┃CPU       ┃Version        ┃Build┃
│COM27 │circuitpython│nRF52840│UNKNOWN_BOARD                    │nRF52840  │v8.2.10        │     │
│      │             │        │nice!nano with nRF52840          │          │               │     │
│COM8  │micropython  │samd    │SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL               │SAMD51P19A│v1.23.0-preview│  341│
│      │             │        │Wio Terminal D51R with SAMD51P19A│          │               │     │

if this works for you - then there is no need for now to drop any columns , and if I need to add Variant later, then it can probably be added in the Board column

scruss commented 5 months ago

Can you help by letting me know which of the columns are most relevant to you ?


1. table.add_column("Serial", overflow="fold")
4. table.add_column("Board", overflow="fold") # Board _ID and description on separate lines
7. table.add_column("Version")

Useful (especially in truncated form):

2. table.add_column("Family")

Duplicated/implied in the Board column:

3. table.add_column("Port")
6. table.add_column("CPU")

Can't see a use for (and could quickly find out from the REPL):

8. table.add_column("build", justify="right")
5. table.add_column("Variant") # TODO: not a current column

Also - is there anything I should take into account wrt to the colors ?

I can't comment on how they work for other people, but they're good and contrasty here. I'm not a screen reader user, but I know a lot of screen readers get very shouty if they see bold or italics

Josverl commented 5 months ago

Thanks, Ive made the Port and CPU columns drop out on terminals <100 characters. I use the Build to keep track of different preview versions - so Ill keep that , but its displayed only if there is any info in it.

The result is :

mpflash list

                         Connected boards                                      
┃Ser. ┃Fam.┃Board                            ┃Version        ┃Bld┃
│COM27│cpy │UNKNOWN_BOARD                    │v8.2.10        │   │
│     │    │nice!nano with nRF52840          │               │   │
│COM8 │upy │SEEED_WIO_TERMINAL               │v1.23.0-preview│341│
│     │    │Wio Terminal D51R with SAMD51P19A│               │   │

Based on you comment about shouty screenreaders I did a quick test with Windows narrator and I found that the progress bar updates were leading to a highly annoying an repetitive narration. I could not hear a difference between Bold/Italics - so I've left these as is for now. I lowered the update frequency on that to find - what I think is a balance between visual and narrative updates.