Josverl / micropython-stubs

Stubs of most MicroPython ports, boards and versions to make writing code that much simpler.
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Pylance reports: Dictionary key must be hashable: Type "int" is not hashable. #723

Closed glenn20 closed 9 months ago

glenn20 commented 10 months ago

I have just installed micropython_esp32_stubs-1.20.0.post2 to use with Pylance and VSCode (version 1.81.1) and this code i = 0; d = {i: "a"} generates the following problem report from Pylance (version v2023.8.50):

Dictionary key must be hashable
  Type "int" is not hashable"

A similar error is generated for "str" keys.

I installed with pip install -U micropython-esp32-stubs --target ~/.micropy/micropython-esp32-stubs --no-user.

My relevant parts of my workspace settings.json is:

    "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
    "python.analysis.typeshedPaths": [
    "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "basic",
    "python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {
        "reportMissingModuleSource": "none"

where ~/.micropy/latest is a symlink to the micropython-esp32-stubs folder.

Oh - and I should add how much I enjoy micropython dev with these micropython stubs - thanks for putting this together.

Josverl commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the report Glen, I'll have a look and hope I can find what is causing this.


glenn20 commented 10 months ago

Thanks. Oh and another data point: {2: "two"} generates:

Dictionary key must be hashable
  Type "Literal[2]" is not hashable"

I did try adding the __hash__ attribute to the int class in stdlib/builtin.pyi, but it didn't resolve the issue.

glenn20 commented 10 months ago

Correction: Adding

    def __hash__(self) -> int: ...

to the end of class int (and class str) in stdlib.builtins.pyi removed the warnings from pylance. Copied from ~/.vscode/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-2023.8.50/dist/typeshed-fallback/stdlib/builtins.pyi.

This would presumably be also needed for other hashable builtin types like float, complex etc....

Josverl commented 10 months ago

I can reproduce this in a configuration without micropy

But rather than just fixing this one - I think it makes sense to update the stdlib stubs to a current version. as they are pretty tied together this is a bit of a tangle ,and only updating stdlib/buildins.pyi breaks other things.

the issue is that modules such as os, io an sys are quite different on the MicroPython and CPython level , but are also deeply entwined in the stdlib typing. But I think I have found a way to combine both the both by adding an additional glue import to the micropython typestub to import the corresponding stdlib stypestub. In os.pyi add from stdlib.os import * seems to work well in exploratory testing so far.

I'll integrate this into micropython-stubber and let you know when I have updated stub packages to try.

Josverl commented 10 months ago


Could you give these a test : Change the target to wherever you prefer.

pip install git+ --target typings --no-user  
pip install git+ --target typings --no-user  

there is a warning regarding stdlib that i still need to look into.

If I test using pyright -t typings src where src has your sample in it, pyright is clean , and so is pylance

my reproduction

Josverl commented 10 months ago

note to self : also add to stdlib/sys.pyi:

# micropython specific functions
def atexit(func:Optional[Callable[[],Any]]) -> Any: 
    Register func to be called upon termination. func must be a callable that takes no arguments, 
    or None to disable the call. The atexit function will return the previous value set by this function, 
    which is initially None.

def print_exception(exc, file=sys.stdout, /):
    """Print exception with a traceback to a file-like object file (or sys.stdout by default)."""