JotaBravo / spacecraft-uda

Spacecraft Pose Estimation: Robust 2D and 3D-Structural Losses and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Inter-Model Consensus
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Any code to get Pose Estimation image? #13

Open Krysta1 opened 3 months ago

Krysta1 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your nice work. I have read your paper, but I could not find any code to generate Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 in this repo. Could you please give me any hints? Thanks a lot.

JotaBravo commented 1 month ago

Hi, sorry for the very late response. `` The code is in MATLAB, and it is a bit ad-hoc to the keypoint structure we employ. If you use other keypoints, like the ones provided here you might need to change the code.

I've tried to simplify the code, because it uses many structures to automatically generate the code.

First of all, I rearranged the original keypoints to fit this "corners.mat" structure.

Next, for reach image, I obtain the image locations of the corners, based on the predicted (or ground-truth) quaternion and position.

corners1_im = world_to_image(corners1,, quat, pos);
corners2_im = world_to_image(corners2,, quat, pos);
corners3_im = world_to_image(corners3,, quat, pos);
corners4_im = world_to_image(corners4,, quat, pos);
corners5_im = world_to_image(corners5,, quat, pos);


function [corners_im] = world_to_image(corners, cam ,quat, pos)
k  = cam.cameraMatrix;
dcm  = quat2dcm(quat);
pos_r  = dcm*pos;
corners_cam = dcm'*(corners+pos_r);
corners_im  = k*(corners_cam./corners_cam(3,:));
corners_im   = corners_im(1:2,:);

Finally, we plot it employing a imshow and overlaying lines of the corners

linestyle = '--';
linewidth= 5;
colorcode1 = '#64B5F6';
markersize = 8;

hold on

Hope it helps.

Btw, I'm planning to post a tutorial soon with some simple, base code for spacecraft pose estimation. I plan to include some easier to use code to plot images. So please stay tuned

Krysta1 commented 1 month ago

Thank you very much for your response and share the code with me.