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LaTeX Codes are not Rendered when Switching Tabs #209

Closed ZenithClown closed 3 years ago

ZenithClown commented 3 years ago

Created a First Notebook with some LaTeX Equations (both using $ markdown syntax and \begin{equation}...\end{equation} syntax), and the file is rendered properly at first: image

But once switching tabs, then the same is not rendered: image

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Created a New Notebook in Local Machine (using Linux, configuration as below) image

  2. Uploaded notebook using jovian:

    # Uploading to
    import jovian
    jovian.commit(files = [""])
  3. Switched to Tab: Files

  4. Returned to Tab: Notebook

Notebook URL

ZenithClown commented 3 years ago

I would also like to add, I have tried to refresh the page, and check again - but the same problem. I am using Chrome: image

sonakshs commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting the bug @ZenithClown, we'll have a fix ready very soon.

sidujjain commented 3 years ago

Hi @ZenithClown, thanks for reporting the issue! We were able to track down the Mathjax rendering issue and it has been fixed. Please give it a try again and let us know if you see any other issues.

ZenithClown commented 3 years ago

Looks fine 👍