Jowan3 / Jowan_2025

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Jowan Elzein - 3.1 homework #5

Open Jowan3 opened 1 week ago

Jowan3 commented 1 week ago

Popcorn Hack 1: Python (pascal Case Variable)

MyFirstVariable = "This is a PascalCase variable" print(MyFirstVariable)

Popcorn hack 2: Camel Case Variable

mySecondVariable = 42 print(mySecondVariable)

Popcorn Hack 3: Create Differnt Varibles (string, intergers, Float)

String variable

favoriteGame = "The Legend of Zelda"

Float variable

piApprox = 3.14

Integer variable

levelInGame = 5

print(favoriteGame) print(piApprox) print(levelInGame)

Jowan3 commented 1 week ago

Python hacks:

Hack 1:

my_var = 42 print(f"Step 1 - Value: {my_var}, Type: {type(my_var)}")

my_var = "Hello, World!" print(f"Step 2 - Value: {my_var}, Type: {type(my_var)}")

my_var = 3.14 print(f"Step 3 - Value: {my_var}, Type: {type(my_var)}")

my_var = True print(f"Step 4 - Value: {my_var}, Type: {type(my_var)}")

Hack 2 (Variable Swapping (without a third variable)

Step 1: a = 5 b = 10

Step 2: a, b = b, a #

Step 3: print("a =", a) print("b =", b)

Hack 3 Variables in Memory

Step 1: var1 = 100 var2 = 100

Step 2: same_memory = id(var1) == id(var2)

Step 3: print(f"var1 and var2 point to the same memory location: {same_memory}") print(f"Memory address of var1: {id(var1)}") print(f"Memory address of var2: {id(var2)}")

Jowan3 commented 1 week ago

JavaScript hacks

Hack 1: Naming Variables for User Profile

// Creating variables for user profile let fullName = "Jowan Elzein"; let age = 22; // You can adjust the age if you'd like let email = ""; let accountBalance = 1500;

// Displaying the information console.log(${fullName}, aged ${age}, can be contacted at ${email} and has a balance of $${accountBalance} in his account.);

Hack 2: Store Product Inventory

// Variables for first product let productName1 = "Laptop"; let productPrice1 = 1200; let productStock1 = 10;

// Variables for second product let productName2 = "Smartphone"; let productPrice2 = 800; let productStock2 = 15;

// Output messages describing stock and prices console.log(The store has ${productStock1} units of ${productName1} priced at $${productPrice1} each.); console.log(The store has ${productStock2} units of ${productName2} priced at $${productPrice2} each.);

Hack 3: Total Price After Tax Calculation

// Variables for item price, quantity, tax rate let itemPrice = 20; let quantity = 3; let taxRate = 0.10;

// Calculating total price after tax let totalPriceAfterTax = itemPrice quantity (1 + taxRate);

// Displaying the total price console.log(The total price for ${quantity} items each priced at $${itemPrice} with a tax rate of ${taxRate * 100}% is $${totalPriceAfterTax.toFixed(2)}.);