Jowens96 / portfolio

The starter portfolio repository, basically empty, but with a few helper files.
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Final portfolio website #12

Open Jowens96 opened 4 years ago

Jowens96 commented 4 years ago


0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
Details No sweating Some details sweat Sweat all the details Disgusting, dripping, sweaty details
Personality & design Bland, boring, just another graphic designer Fairly generic, visual design could be pushed more Quality layouts and unique, personable content & design Unique and recognizable as you, with engaging, personable content & design
Text content Fake content only Some real content, some fake All real content but with lots of errors Real content, well written, no grammar or spelling errors
Accessibility No considerations Added some alt attributes, nothing else Just the basics: alt attributes, roles Accessibility is well considered and tested
Pages & images Barely started Missing lots of pages & images Has most of the pages, some placeholder images All pages exist and are well done with complete imagery
Image quality Only placeholder images Some portfolio piece images Lots of images but low quality High quality portfolio images — and lots of them
Responsiveness Not responsive Works on some screens Responsive but with lots of awkwardness Looks great on all screen sizes
Performance Mega slow… Slow… Could load faster Blazing fast awesomeness
Code quality Barely started Indentation is barely existent, lots of validation errors, very poor semantics Decent indentation, just a couple validation errors, decent semantics Well indented, fully valid, good semantics

Grade: 23/27 no javascript

Rationale Each project has a short description to give the viewer context into the project at hand. My about page also offers details into the kind of work I do and alludes to my past experiences in the media industry.

The website has a distinctive personality which is simple and sleek. Including subtle animations was an obvious choice because motion is my specialty. I believe black, red, and white are a nice combination with good contrast so I chose them as my brand colours. The layout is grid based and uses consistent components throughout. I truly feel the branding represents me very well. The projects I chose also reflect my interests nicely.

I wrote the original text content in plain English without spelling errors. I tested the accessibility with all of the tools listed on the Learn the Web accessibility checklist. I also used browser tools to further this testing.

All pages and images are completed and have high quality images/videos to complement them. All pages of the website are responsive to suit different kinds of screens. The performance passed all the required checks and seems to run quite smoothly.

Finally, the code written is pretty well. There may be some errors somewhere, but over it is functional.