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Issuing NFT v1.1 Moderated tests #1835

Closed KubaMikolajczyk closed 2 years ago

KubaMikolajczyk commented 2 years ago


We want to make sure that the experience with new changes is flawless for the users. Each session will take a max. 15 min.

KubaMikolajczyk commented 2 years ago


After the last round of moderated tests, we arrived at 3 final improvements in Wizard flow: 1️⃣ Explainer field was changed for a live "your NFT preview" due to low discoverability and overall usefulness for the users 2️⃣ Fee that is shown in the bottom action bar need to be also presented in the final summary for ease of scanning 3️⃣ Second screen of the form where the user chooses listing type (open, English, fixed etc) need to be dropped - there is no need to introduce those abstract concept to users as those confused all testers - instead we will show all possible options in one form under "put on marketplace"

If you want to know more about previous test click here ->

Amount of participants: 2/6


Have you already uploaded any video to Joystream studio?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ✅

Have you bought or issued any NFT?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ✅

What marketplaces you already used?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ Opensea 👤 Tester 2️⃣ Opensea, Singular, Pankake swap, checks out new marketplaces

Have you participated in previous Issuing NFT test?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ❌


"You are publishing a video to Joystream studio, all video assets and information have been prefilled for you. Now you want to sell your video as an NFT and you don’t want to get bids lower than 100 000 tJOYS"

Prototype link:


👤 Tester 1️⃣ 👤 Tester 2️⃣

User sessions

👤 Tester 1️⃣

👤 Tester 2️⃣

When asked about how was it for them to issue an NFT this way:

👤 Tester 1️⃣ It's simpler now. Previously it wasn't clear with all those options in boxes.

👤 Tester 2️⃣ EZ. Incredibly easy. That's the easiest - normally they are never as fluid as that - you cannot upload it and list it at the same time. That was fluid you can control.



KubaMikolajczyk commented 2 years ago

🟢 Only 2 users participated in this round of tests. The next test round will be done on 04/Jan/22 to gather more valuable insights.

KubaMikolajczyk commented 2 years ago


After the last round of moderated tests, we arrived at 3 final improvements in Wizard flow: 1️⃣ Explainer field was changed for a live "your NFT preview" due to low discoverability and overall usefulness for the users 2️⃣ Fee that is shown in the bottom action bar need to be also presented in the final summary for ease of scanning 3️⃣ Second screen of the form where the user chooses listing type (open, English, fixed etc) need to be dropped - there is no need to introduce those abstract concept to users as those confused all testers - instead we will show all possible options in one form under "put on marketplace"

If you want to know more about previous test click here ->

Amount of participants: 8


Have you already uploaded any video to Joystream studio?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 3️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 4️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 5️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 6️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 7️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 8️⃣ ❌

Have you bought or issued any NFT?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 3️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 4️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 5️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 6️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 7️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 8️⃣ ❌

What marketplaces have you already used?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ Opensea 👤 Tester 2️⃣ Opensea, Singular, Pankake swap, check out new marketplaces 👤 Tester 3️⃣ Singular 👤 Tester 4️⃣ Doesn't know what it is. 👤 Tester 5️⃣ Didn't use it. 👤 Tester 6️⃣ Doesn't know the concept. 👤 Tester 7️⃣ Opensea, Singular 👤 Tester 8️⃣ ‎Luard, marketplace na lunie

Have you participated in the previous Issuing NFT test?

👤 Tester 1️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 2️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 3️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 4️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 5️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 6️⃣ ❌ 👤 Tester 7️⃣ ✅ 👤 Tester 8️⃣ ❌


"You are publishing a video to Joystream studio, all video assets and information have been prefilled for you. Now you want to sell your video as an NFT and you don’t want to get bids lower than 100 000 tJOYS"

Prototype link:


All recordings will be located in this folder 👇

User sessions

👤 Tester 1️⃣

👤 Tester 2️⃣

👤 Tester 3️⃣

👤 Tester 4️⃣

👤 Tester 5️⃣

👤 Tester 6️⃣

👤 Tester 7️⃣

👤 Tester 8️⃣

When asked about how was it for them to issue an NFT this way:

👤 Tester 1️⃣ It's simpler now. Previously it wasn't clear with all those options in boxes.

👤 Tester 2️⃣ EZ. Incredibly easy. That's the easiest - normally they are never as fluid as that - you cannot upload it and list it at the same time. That was fluid you can control.

👤 Tester 3️⃣ Really easy I felt this was really intuitive. Even the person who just started using PC and understands English can do this.

👤 Tester 4️⃣
It was really easy.

👤 Tester 5️⃣
Cool - I liked it - it was a clear flow. Its good that it is a step by step experience

👤 Tester 6️⃣
I like that there is so many tooltips where you can learn and that there is information about video being locked upfront.

👤 Tester 7️⃣
Super EZ. All this is so black and white.

👤 Tester 8️⃣
Super. I would make decision of making it NFT or not much more prominent. Maybe at the top of the screen.

Additional questions from participants:



dmtrjsg commented 2 years ago

@KubaMikolajczyk great work, excellent analysis ⭐ !

Totally support all your recommendations here and wanted to add a few more points from my observations of the flow:

My five cents:

  1. Studio screen split between the sections to be adjusted from 50/50 to 1/1.61803 (to match the NFT flow)
  2. Funnel steps indication moves from below the video preview to above the form - so perhaps worthwhile investigating retaining it in either place for both flows - tbc
  3. "Show more options" - should that be expanded by default when Issue as NFT set to true? Do we even need to hide them behind this additional chevron? (how frequent do we expect these to be updated?)
  4. The original Wizard had pretty nice looking explainers with graphics on each auction option - would it make sense to fit some of this to the "preview" area of NFT for easier visual explanation of the options?
  5. Royalties split - totally agreed, plus the tooltips should do the job!

Answers to the questions: 1️⃣ The up to date Exchange Rate is published here > Right at the moment its 26.96 USD/1MJOY. So $30 will get them 1,112,918 TJoys. 2️⃣ Upon transition to Mainnet, TJoys earned on TestNet can be cashed in. We use Bitcoin Cash (BCH) as a payment rail on our testnets. You can cashout tJOY by making a transfer to the dedicated burn address: 5D5PhZQNJzcJXVBxwJxZcsutjKPqUPydrvpu6HeiBfMaeKQu Before doing this, you should set the memo of the key from which the transfer is made to your BCH address. At the moment of the transfer, the BCH to USD exchange rate is locked. More info is here: 3️⃣ pending with @dmtrjsg 4️⃣ pending with @dmtrjsg 5️⃣ pending with @dmtrjsg 6️⃣ pending with @dmtrjsg

KubaMikolajczyk commented 2 years ago

@dmtrjsg thank you 🙇‍♂️

As for your comments:

  1. I remember when you first initiated this idea. I made a version of a screen following this ratio as a test, but after that, we had a group discussion (on one of our Wednesday meetings I believe) where the final group decision was to stay consistent with the rest of our screens and choose the proposed 1:1 ratio for this flow. Besides, I believe that all designers agreed on that and are using the 1:1 ratio in mentioned NFT flow.
  2. Stepper component discoverability and readability is really high according to the tests (many users read it, notice it, and are happy about the fact it is showing them the progress in form). What is more, those are two different flows - providing video assets & listing your NFT - and the use of the stepper component is different (in the first flow, you can delete the asset, wheres in the second you are just informed about place in flow) - so I would recommend to stick with the current placement for both of those.
  3. Just to clarify "Show more setting" button is a separate thing to issue as NFT toggle - it allows the user to expand the form and get more optional settings for the video itself. ( So in this case it wouldn't make sense for us to expand it when issue as NFT is set to true). TLDR: This "show more" button is used in both flows - providing video assets & listing your NFT - and it's performing a crucial role in decluttering the main part of the form so the user can focus on the most important fields in both forms - it also follows hick's law: The time it takes to make a decision increases with the number and complexity of choices. So in this case we are breaking complex form into smaller elements in order to decrease the cognitive load. I'm also looking forward to seeing analytics for those fields that we decided to put under show more settings and see if there is any room for improvement.
  4. I would say no to that - 2 iterations ago when we still had all left field dedicated to visual explainers, during the tests, those were almost not noticeable at all, and right now as we developed a pattern of live NFT preview which responds to user actions in the form on the right - I wouldn't add more visual distractions to this screen which, as far as we know, do not add much to the general experience. Gladly we are covered in the field of explaining things as pattern of tooltips being attached to those more complicated elements in our flow was found really nice & helpful by testers.

Thank you for providing answers to those additional questions 🙇‍♂️🏆