Joystream / joystream-org
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Dashboard Page #650

Open bedeho opened 1 year ago

bedeho commented 1 year ago


Joystream is a large and dynamic project, it is hard to obtain an integrated view of what is going on, and how it is evolving. A key determinant for anyone to get involved with the project, wether as a worker, creators, ambassador, validator, third party service provider or partner, is to quickly determine how well it's doing and where it is going.

To make the problem more concrete, we provide a brief personae story. Ulrich is business developer at a blockchain bridge service provider FooBridge. They are in the business of partnering with blockchains to allow their assets to move in and out of other blockchains. Projects are interested in this to reach new potential users on other blockchains, an also make their token interoperate with the tools and infrastructure on other chains. For such bridges, each new integration is a very risky activity, as they might get hacked, or have down time, and in general have to keep up with all the changes happening on integrated chains. For this reason, bridge service providers are very careful to try to only select projects that have a solid community, development, adoption and future prospects. Ulrich is tasked with making such evaluations of new prospective partner projects. When Ulrich does his job, it goes something like this.

  1. First he will visit the website, and look at the general feel of it, what it claims to do, wether it seems put together, etc. He may also look for some basic facts, like
    • who backed this project?
    • what rounds of investment were made, at what prices and terms
    • history of the project
    • who the team is
    • whether it has been audited
  2. Then he will look at the major social media channels, like Twitter, YouTube, Blogs, CMC (watchlist) etc. What he is looking for is sign of life, engagement, audience size and also quality of communication. These could be summarised in the following metrics
    • size of audience
    • % change in audience last month
    • days since last post
  3. He may jump into a few messaging channels as well, like Discord, Telegram, Slack and try to see what is going on, what people are talking about, how engaged people are and size of audience. These could be summarised in the following metrics
    • size of channel
    • % change since last month
    • DAUs/MAUs
    • Messages/day
  4. Next he may go to Github and see what sort of activity is happening there, number of commits, number of contributors, releases, etc.
  5. Then he will try to look at some description of the token itself, and in particular learn quite a lot of facts and metrics, such as
    • is it listed, if so where? and whether they are CEXs or DEXs, and some basic metrics for each venue, as one can see on CMC, including what % of supply is known to be in each venue.
    • what has price and price history recently?
      • highs and lows for past day, week, month, all time
      • perhaps a price chart
    • what is volume and volume history recently?
      • highs and lows for past day, week, month, all time
      • perhaps a price chart
    • what is supply, circulating supply, and is there a max limit?
    • what was the allocation of tokens at launch, and how are these allocation getting unlocked over time?
    • market cap and FDV
    • what is the implied annual inflation rate based on minting the past: month, 6 months, year.
    • a breakdown of minting across the following categories over one among the following time periods: all time,
      • workers rewards
      • spending proposals
      • creator payouts
      • validator rewards
    • % of supply in account
    • % of supply staked for validation
    • %APR on staking
    • %ROI data: state what the return on investment would have been w.r.t. various time scals
      • 1H
      • 24H
      • 1 day
      • 1 week
      • 1 month
      • 1 year
    • Supply Distribution: number of tokens in
      • in top 100 addresses
      • in top 1% of addresses
      • in addresses > $10M,
      • in addresses > $100K
      • in addresses > $10K
      • in addresses > $1K
      • in addresses > $100
      • in addresses > 1M , ..... $JOY
  6. Traction:
    • number of creators and how that has evolved over time
    • number of videos and how that as evolved over time
    • number of comments & reactions and how it has evolved
    • number & value of of video NFT purchases and how that has evolved over time
    • amount of value paid to creators and how that has evolved over time.
    • daily active accounts
    • Featuring a list of top creators on the platform in terms of their reach on other platforms, like youtube, twitter, etc.
    • chain metrics:
    • number of transactions
    • number of holders
    • number of blocks
  7. Project comparison: similar to that in the lightpaper, but where we combined with a comparison of FDV of each project as well.
  8. Team: Here we have to convey the idea that Joystream fundamentally is directed by the Joystream DAO and governance structure, as such it is the current sitting actors in that governance structure that should be featured. each role may may deserve a word or two
    • council
      • feature each membership, and for each include
      • socials
      • how many times they have served
      • total amount they have earn
      • current budget
      • current council plan
      • a link to the past
      • plan & reward?
    • working group leads: similar story as for council , but also include things like number of workers hired, budget, working group plan.
    • mention Jsgensis somehow also, perhaps linking to the linkedin page or something, describing its role and the including all people in the team as member personaes on-chain.
  9. Roadmap: some sort of minified view of the roadmap
  10. Help: At the end of the day, speaking to someone may still be needed, so Ulrich may have ot jump into a chat to ask about something he missed, or he does not understand.
  11. Content:
    • Feature some video which will serve as an explainer of some kind
    • carousel of recent blog posts
    • carousel of recent twitter posts.

The main difficulty for Ulrich is that doing this work is very labour intensive, and it requires consulting a wide range of data sources. For Joystream it would include

after all of this, Ulrich likely still has a question or two - something he did not pickup or understand, which requires him to enter a chat and actually speak to someone. So in other words, this is brutal work to do at any kind of scale.


Introduce a single page experience on the website, which we call something like Dashboard. Here are some important requirements



Powering all of this will require quite extensive new APIs, which pulls data both from lots of new sources, and pehraps also requires new mapping entirely. We should try to ship a v1 which omits data sources which are very hard to obtain in the near term, and then extend later. What will have

leetjoy commented 12 months ago


By prioritizing information in this order, I can efficiently assess the project's fundamentals, growth potential, and overall viability as an investment opportunity.

  1. Token Metrics and Performance - essential information about the project's token, such as price history, market cap, trading volume, circulating supply, inflation rate, and supply distribution;
  2. Project Traction and Adoption - traction and adoption metrics, such as the number of creators, videos, comments, reactions, NFT purchases, and daily/weekly/monthly transactions and signed extrinsic;
  3. Visualizations - the Dashboard could benefit from well-designed visualizations that superimpose related data into one chart. This can aid in understanding relationships and trends more effectively (reference: Lybra Finance dashboard;
  4. Team and Governance Structure - project's team members, their roles, experience, and contributions, along with information about the governance structure and council members;
  5. Financial Data - project's financials, including investment rounds, funding history, and budgets;
  6. Roadmap and Development Activity - project's roadmap, upcoming milestones, and progress in development;
  7. Social Media and Community Engagement - integrate the last tweets from @joystreamDAO and @joystream_mwg;
  8. Security and Audits - audit reports, and risk management strategies;
  9. API Sources and Data Reliability - sources of data used in the Dashboard and the reliability of the APIs;

The Dashboard will likely contain an overwhelming amount of data and information. To address this, tooltips explaining the meaning and data sources are essential.

Support Chat

Introducing a low-friction chat interaction for users to ask questions. It can help users like Ulrich get quick clarifications or additional information without having to go through a lengthy sign-up process. Certain Joystream DAO HR and Marketing working groups workers can have access to reply user's questions.

bedeho commented 11 months ago

I wonder if it also could be interesting to show a sort of ranked list of who's-who that follows hte project on twitter?

There its great public data on this from which we def can grab, where people are in different categories, like VCs, founders, funds, etc.

Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 13 48 30

KubaMikolajczyk commented 11 months ago


  1. breakdown of minting meaning how much was minted in thiose categories right? and the time periods here is mentoned only: all time - is it correct? image

  2. Supply in account is it something different from supply in addresses? image

  3. Is there any option to try and segment this huge amount of metrics into even smaller groups? Specifically talking about num5 here - we have more than 14 types of data - do you see a logical way of grouping them together inside of num 5 somehow - asking as its hard for me to come up with smaller groups for those metrics myself image

4.In project comparison point num7 do you mean to have a table of all those elements that we compare in the lightpaper in the "true/false" fashion + FDV as additional collumn? image image

  1. I need to ask also about this point - in team section where we have council point its written: "and for each include" - i assume that membership socials, times of serving, amount of earning are the only ones that links to the council members am I correct? the budget , plan, link to the past, plan & reward are things about council not its members image

  2. Additionally I need to know something more about current council plan, link to the past, plan & reward - is this data available somewhere - can you tell me more about those?

KubaMikolajczyk commented 11 months ago
  1. What does it mean to present someone as a person on-chain? image

What type of information do we want to provide except member handle and avatar about members of jsgenesis

bedeho commented 11 months ago

breakdown of minting meaning how much was minted in thiose categories right? and the time periods here is mentoned only: all time - is it correct?

yes lets just do all time for now.

Supply in account is it something different from supply in addresses?

no, sorry, same.

Actually "% of supply in account" does not really even mean anything.

Is there any option to try and segment this huge amount of metrics into even smaller groups?

I don't really have any strong opinion about how to visually segment these, that is sort of up to you. I think if you want to simplify perhaps just omitting things entirely can be helpful, for example dropping hvaing compelx price charts and so on, because these sort of alredy exist on CMC (coinmarketcap), so we have to be careful about how far we go in replicating it.

In summary, feel free to prioritise what you feel is most valuable while you try this out.

In project comparison point num7 do you mean to have a table of all those elements that we compare in the lightpaper in the "true/false" fashion + FDV as additional collumn?

It could be, but perhaps not hte best way to show relative value mismatch, doing something like bar chart is more potent.

I need to ask also about this point - in team section where we have council point its written: "and for each include" - i assume that membership socials, times of serving, amount of earning are the only ones that links to the council members am I correct? the budget , plan, link to the past, plan & reward are things about council not its members


Additionally I need to know something more about current council plan, link to the past, plan & reward - is this data available somewhere - can you tell me more about those?

yes, but I don't think you need to knjow anything about hte plan content itself, we can just link to them as external docs, at least for now.

What does it mean to present someone as a person on-chain?

I think I just meant show memberhsips, you should probably just show the standard stuff that Pioneer shows, and perhaps add a few social links if defined, like Discord, Twitter, Telegram links,

KubaMikolajczyk commented 11 months ago

@bedeho I finished first low fidelity explorations for the dashboard single-page which is ready to be reviewed βœ… The video will be a bit long 41min in x1.2 speed - but it had to cover the whole dashboard & chat functionality.

πŸŽ₯ Video update:

🚧 Explorations file:

▢️ Dashboard low fi prototype:

bedeho commented 10 months ago

Wow, this was amazing, really impressed you were able to synthesise a singular experience based on such a massive brief, and I think it gets so many things right, so fantastic.


Hi-fi ideas

I know these are not appropriate for this low-fi edition, but just thought I would raise it now before you progress.



The current ordering is like this

but I suggest we reorged it to this

Notice that the scope of each section is updated, and we dropped some sections entirely.

Dropped Sections


I think having an overview is a nice idea, but I don't think these particular facts deserve such prominence, and I also in fact struggle to pick out exactly what deserve to be up top in an overview. For this reason, I suggest we


In retrospect, I think we don't need this, its too much, and unless we had some super big name person we could put there, I think it does not add much. Metrics already communicate that we have activity.




I think this information really benefits from being shown as a timeline, rather than a table. The ideal form factor here would probably be some sort of timeline visual which starts with earliest milestone, like last investment round, and then has a bunch of milestones, but where spacing on this timeline is not proportionate to real time duration. Ideally, we could dynamically add milestones in the backend, by just specifying

and then the website could render a nice dynamic timeline. What do you think?




Here we are merging social media and community basically, into one.


Lets make the presentation style for all members to support display contact information for the user, specifically Twitter, Linkedin, Telegram, and Discord. Lets assume that users may have some arbitrary subset of tehse defined.


Looks good, but could we make this more potent by switching rows and columns, so projects are columns, and then on top of the table you make a bar chart for the FDV, which is extracted from table, and each bar sits on top of each of the columns. This way we give the FDV valuation comparison a very clear relative comparison visual, compared to just having a number in a cell.



Chat Widget

KubaMikolajczyk commented 8 months ago

@bedeho the dashboard page low fidelity second iteration is ready to be reviewed βœ… It was a beast to go through but I hope you will like the results πŸ™‡

πŸŽ₯ Video update (34min in x1.2):

πŸ“„ Low fidelity v2:

⏯️ Prototype low fidelity v2:

If you want to check the first version the links are here:

bedeho commented 8 months ago

Great job, I just responded on the Figma!

bedeho commented 8 months ago

By the way: do we have an actual section for the landing page which onboards peopl eto the dashboard? I think its needed, but not sure where to place it and how to get people enticed to engage with it.

KubaMikolajczyk commented 8 months ago

@bedeho thank you for all of the feedback - its implemented into low fidelity designs and its ready for a review βœ…

πŸŽ₯ Loom video (12min):

By the way: do we have an actual section for the landing page which onboards peopl eto the dashboard? I think its needed, but not sure where to place it and how to get people enticed to engage with it.

Yes I think that apart of the main cta of the page being open dashbaord we dont have a dedicated section - that was postponed until we have the dashboard final designed.

bedeho commented 8 months ago

Fantastic, excited for the next phase!

  1. The token is only called JOY, its just that it has different tickers currently, so drop the whole "where to buy joy/joystream" thing, we only refer to the token by one name.
  2. The ready widget for Github would be for one repo, even if it exists as a reusable thing, we want a single wdiget across all repos in our organization.
KubaMikolajczyk commented 8 months ago

@bedeho the first iteration of high fidelity dashboard page design is here ready to be reviewed βœ…

πŸŽ₯ Video update:

πŸ“„ Dashboard high fidelity figma:

πŸ–₯️ Dashboard prototype:

bedeho commented 8 months ago

Left feedback on Figma, excellent work!

KubaMikolajczyk commented 7 months ago

Hi @bedeho ! The dashboard page final designs are here along with all user stories and extensive RWD βœ…

πŸŽ₯ Final video walkthrough (40m):

πŸ“„ Dashboard final figma file:

bedeho commented 7 months ago

Fantastic work, looks solid @KubaMikolajczyk , I think any tweaks we want to do at this point we can do in dev mode.