Joystream / joystream

Joystream Monorepo
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Set the general, and specific, parameters for each proposal #236

Closed bwhm closed 4 years ago

bwhm commented 4 years ago

See #234

bwhm commented 4 years ago


Using the following ProposalParamemeters, that I interpret as outlined below:

pub struct ProposalParameters<BlockNumber, Balance> {
    /// During this period, votes can be accepted
    pub voting_period: BlockNumber,

    /// A pause before execution of the approved proposal. Zero means approved proposal would be
    /// executed immediately.
    pub grace_period: BlockNumber,

    /// Quorum percentage of approving voters required to pass the proposal.
    pub approval_quorum_percentage: u32,

    /// Approval votes percentage threshold to pass the proposal.
    pub approval_threshold_percentage: u32,

    /// Quorum percentage of voters required to slash the proposal.
    pub slashing_quorum_percentage: u32,

    /// Slashing votes percentage threshold to slash the proposal.
    pub slashing_threshold_percentage: u32,

    /// Proposal stake
    pub required_stake: Option<Balance>,

Say we have 50 CMs:

For a proposal to pass, both approval_quorum_percentage and approval_threshold_percentage has to be true at the same time. Again, let:

...the vote passes, and will be active after end of grace_period

Same logic for slashing, so we must ensure both cannot occur simultaneously.


"Default" values

As for other values that needs to be correlated with the issuance, I'm setting required_stake as a percentage of issuance. This is probably ideal either, but should be better than a fixed value.

Evict Storage Provider

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 50%
approval_threshold_percentage 75%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.1%


Set Storage Role Params

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 14400
approval_quorum_percentage 75%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


Set Max Validator Count

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


Set Lead

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


Set WG Mint Capacity

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 50%
approval_threshold_percentage 75%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


Set Council Mint Capacity

Dropped Will not be implemented as a proposal.

Runtime Upgrade

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 72000
approval_quorum_percentage 80%
approval_threshold_percentage 100%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 1%


Set Election Parameters
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period * +1
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.75%


Spending Proposal
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 14400
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


Text/signal Proposal
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 0.
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 0.25%


bwhm commented 4 years ago

Instead of updating the comment, I'm making a new comment. Won't elaborate here, just numbers:

Evict Storage Provider

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 50%
approval_threshold_percentage 75%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 25000

Set Storage Role Params

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 14400
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 100000

Set Max Validator Count

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 14400
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 100000

Set Lead

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 60%
approval_threshold_percentage 75%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 50000

Set WG Mint Capacity

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 43200
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 60%
approval_threshold_percentage 75%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 50000

Runtime Upgrade

Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 72000
approval_quorum_percentage 80%
approval_threshold_percentage 100%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 1000000
Set Election Parameters
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 100800
approval_quorum_percentage 66%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 200000
Spending Proposal
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 14400
approval_quorum_percentage 60%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 25000
Text/signal Proposal
Proposal Parameters Value
voting_period 72000
grace_period 0
approval_quorum_percentage 60%
approval_threshold_percentage 80%
slashing_quorum_percentage 60%
slashing_threshold_percentage 80%
required_stake 25000
shamil-gadelshin commented 4 years ago
