DuckDns Updater is a Windows tray application that allows you to keep your dynamic hostname’s IP address up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service.
This commit adds container-based tooling which permits the app to
be built without any local configuration. This also permits future
work to build and publish releases automatically.
Add a Visual Studio Code devcontainer which installs and sets
up all required tools automatically. This removes the need to
have them installed locally.
Add a simple Maven configuration which builds and packages the
app. This also allows tests to be dropped in.
Swap from Inno Setup to wix(l), which allows the installer to
be built from the command line, even on Linux.
Update the README with exact build steps, including on the
generation of native executables and the installer.
Add pre-commit tooling to automatically lint any changes on
This commit adds container-based tooling which permits the app to be built without any local configuration. This also permits future work to build and publish releases automatically.