JrCs / docker-crashplan

CrashPlan docker container
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bypass "/storage" path ? #44

Open Sinisan1972 opened 7 years ago

Sinisan1972 commented 7 years ago


Before knowing this container today, I used a Crashplan installed directly on the Synology.

This container is a good real idea, but I would like to "adopt" the backup I already made until today. Unfortunately, in my previous Crashplan, the files where thru "/". I mean I saw the same file system I can find thru the file explorer included in Synology GUI.

With this container, I have a added level, because even if I'm able to put "/" as "--volume /:/storage", when I run the CrashPlan GUI, it shows me "storage" into the root directory.

Unfortunately, I'll lose all my previous backup and I will have to backup from start, because Crashplan doesn't recognise "/storage/Files2backup" as "/Files2backup" for example.

Do you have any idea ?

Thank you.

JrCs commented 7 years ago

Crashplan make deduplication. So if you change the path and the files are the same, they will not be upload one more time.

drewmoseley commented 6 years ago

FWIW, in my case, all my files being backed up were under /volume1 (I'm running it on a Synology NAS) so it was easy enough to explicitly mount /volume1 in my container and it all "just worked".

Also, @JrCs I explicitly changed to docker host networking and that removed the need for explicit port forwarding, and more importantly, allowed for inbound backups from my other machines. Nice.

vertigo235 commented 6 years ago

With synology if you want to do the /volume1:/volume1 mapping you'll have to use the command line to create the docker. As you have discovered the paths created by the GUI are mapped to what is visible within your DSM file browser.

abedegno commented 6 years ago

I did the /volume1:/volume1 mapping on the commandline - however, if you restart your Synology box or the container the mapping is lost.